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The banquet·Chang'an Fu really did not expect that the imperial feast of the ancient royal nobles and nobles can also experience the perfect integration of the banquet, food, ceremony and music in modern times. The banquet will take you through the 3,000-year-old cultural feast from guests to service staff. The ancient court feast 360-degree immersive interactive experience exquisite scene design every corner carefully designed, any angle can take pictures like ancient times, every step of movement is a journey through time and space experience a dish, a story, a light and shadow dinner show, Tell the history and culture of the dishes Fuxuan cherry foie gras thousand layers jasper tender red makeup ink jade pig hands frozen everything is as good as you want Shengtang Cuiyu Ruyi Fruit Guifei Litchi Cake, golden mango pea yellow. Yuguang jade bowl reflects the pearl mountain treasure products. Taibai pearl wrapped jade with royal food main course Bibo Qinglian fried salmon Xuanshan Suxue yu beef tiyu flower with green beans Qingchuan Bozhou fishing wonton. Every dish of bamboo curd tea is delicious, so that the taste buds and senses can be enjoyed wonderfully. Bring your meal and set up a feast of emperors that spans thousands of years.

Jimat 19

Cadangan Berhampiran XuYan

Ulasan XuYan: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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