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Sichuan Songci Museum

36 Ulasan
Buka Dibuka pada 09:00-18:00(Waktu masuk berakhir tamat pada 17:30)
Masa bersiar-siar yang disyorkan:1-2 jam
District D, Cultural Center, Deshui North Road, Hedong New District, Suining CityPeta
Nombor telefon0825-2328300
Ulasan pelancong:

I have seen a promotional film, and the words in the film are still fresh in memory. Since then, I have longed for it, and I can finally see it this time. The Song Porcelain Museum is located in the cultural center of Suining Chuanshan City, Deshui North Road, Chuanshan District, Suining. No tickets are required, you can enter the museum with your ID card. Opening hours: Tuesday-Sunday: 9:00-18:00. Sichuan Song Porcelain Museum is a special Song Porcelain Museum in China, with 6 exhibition halls of size and size. The new porcelain rhyme of the third courtyard of the first hall, and the guests from all sides can taste it. The museum has three floors, the different dynasties displayed in the museum, ceramic representative categories, outline the glorious history of Chinese ceramics. The first floor is a display of ancient history and culture in Suining. Every artifact here is a witness to the past of China's land. The past and present life in Chuanshan District in Suining is here. The second floor is a brief history of the development of Chinese ceramics and some collections of calligraphy and paintings. The people are dead and the long things are immortal. The third floor exhibition of various porcelain and the life of the Song Dynasty behind it, as well as the Baolongquan kiln of the town hall, the green lotus leaf-shaped porcelain jar, is also a national-level cultural relics. The multimedia animation of the interactive area reproduces the ceramic burning technology and aesthetic pursuit of each period. The museum presents the Song people's flowering, tea, incense burning, sacrifice, banquet and other life scenes to modern audiences through the unearthed Southern Song Dynasty Tibetan porcelain. Through precious cultural relics, it outlines the elegant living state of the ancient literati, and vividly presents the daily life of the Song people. For the friends who love history and porcelain, this is a great place, and it is also very educational, you can bring children to understand.


Cadangan Berhampiran Sichuan Songci Museum

Ulasan Sichuan Songci Museum: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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