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Fengqiao Scenic Area

1261 Ulasan
berdasarkan pada 38 ulasan
Jambatanpemandangan malam
Ditutup Hari Ini Jam operasional 07:30-17:30
Masa bersiar-siar yang disyorkan:1-2 jam
Fengqiao Road, Jinchang District, Suzhou CityPeta
Nombor telefon0512-65575100, 0512-65320288
Ulasan pelancong:

Fengqiao Scenic Area is a provincial scenic area with Hanshan Ancient Temple, Jiangfeng Ancient Bridge, Tieling Ancient Guan, Fengqiao Ancient Town and Ancient Canal "Five Ancients" as the main content of the tour. Fengqiao Town has been bred by the ancient canal since the Sui and Tang Dynasty. The incense of Hanshan Temple continues to this day. The Ming Dynasty fought against the dragonflies, leaving a relics of iron bell gate, becoming a barrier to the west gate of Suzhou. The two most famous attractions in Suzhou Fengqiao Scenic Area are the "first Buddha Bell in the world" and "first poetry monument in China". The Van Yin Pavilion (Bell Tower) was built in 2008, the big clock is hung in the Van Yin Pavilion, high 8.608 meters, weight 108 tons, maximum diameter 5.242 meters, inscription 70094 words "Fahua Sutra", selected by the Guinness World Records, known as "the world's largest Buddha clock". In front of the Fanyin Pavilion, there is a large stone inscription stone inscription of 400 tons, the front of the monument is engraved with "Fengqiao Night Bo" poetry, and the back is engraved with Qianlong Royal Pen "Prajor Polomi Heart Sutra", which has been certified by Guinness World Records as "the world's largest poetry monument".

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Ulasan Fengqiao Scenic Area: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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