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Qincun Commune

8 Ulasan
Buka Dibuka pada 07:30-20:30
Nombor telefon18967770788
Ulasan pelancong:

Recently, there are very red punching points... There are a lot of tourists... Self-driving cars can't drive up... You can only park in the parking lot under the mountain... You can take the free scenic bus up... But there are not many buses... There are many tourists in line... You can only walk up by yourself... Walk slowly for about half an hour... What you see is the sea of hydrangea + hobbit People's cabin = Taishun fairy tale world... The overall visual effect is good... There are too many people... Too many...

Jimat 1

Cadangan Berhampiran Qincun Commune

Ulasan Qincun Commune: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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