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Shen'ao Ancient Town

38 Ulasan
Bandar Purba
Buka Dibuka sepanjang tahun, 24/7
Masa bersiar-siar yang disyorkan:0.5-1 hari
Shen'ao Ancient Town, Tonglu County, HangzhouPeta
Ulasan pelancong:

According to the address of the ancient village in Jiangnan, we went to the ancient village of Shen'ao first. Due to time constraints, we did not go to the other four villages. If it is not a weekend or weekend, there are not many tourists, so parking does not need to stop in the parking lot designated by the scenic spot, you can directly drive into the big archway of the ancient village, there is also a small parking lot inside, you can park more than a dozen cars. After entering the village, a large pond is a bit like Hongcun, but the surrounding buildings are a bit far away and basically newly built, so the overall landscape and Hongcun are still a little different. The buildings in the village are really quite old, most of them have a history of more than 100 years. The wooden buildings are mostly large families, and there are some ordinary houses with masonry structures. Even if the outer wall has fallen off, the house is still very strong. The layout of the village is surrounded by streams and canals. There is a small water collection point a few meters away, which is convenient for residents to use water. This is already a very advanced design. One is convenient for the people and the other is fire prevention, which is the wisdom of the people! The village is too quiet, there is only one small street and some commercial shops, most of which are closed on weekdays. No excessive commercialization is the best protection here. An hour walk across the village is enough. No tickets are charged and no parking fee!

Jimat 4

Cadangan Berhampiran Shen'ao Ancient Town

Ulasan Shen'ao Ancient Town: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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