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yan ji kong long wang guo huan le shui shi jie

18 Ulasan
Taman Tema Air
Buka pukul 10:00-17:00 hari ni(Tiket tersedia hingga 16:00; waktu masuk berakhir pada 16:00)
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Ulasan pelancong:

The first time I came here was to travel to catch up with the tourist season. There were a lot of people. It was very interesting. This time there were obviously fewer people. But it was very clean and comfortable. The staff service was also very enthusiastic. The guide was on call. All kinds of needs can be solved immediately. The most memorable one is Liaoyuan. Brother Li of the township, give a compliment to the big brother 👍

Jimat 10

Cadangan Berhampiran yan ji kong long wang guo huan le shui shi jie

Ulasan yan ji kong long wang guo huan le shui shi jie: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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