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Moon Gate

109 Ulasan
Studio Filem
Buka pukul 8:00-18:00 hari ni
Masa bersiar-siar yang disyorkan:10-20 minit
Zhenbeibao Television CityPeta
Nombor telefon0951-2136068
Ulasan pelancong:

Moon Gate is designed as the prototype of the classic lens "Moon Gate" in the famous film "Red Gaochun", which echoes the "Moon Gate" in the film, containing the meaning of "Double Moon Yingyu", and the double moon forms the word "peng" in the Chinese characters. “It’s a pleasure to have friends from afar!” is also the meaning of building this gate.


Cadangan Berhampiran Moon Gate

Ulasan Moon Gate: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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