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Flower Sea

12 Ulasan
Padang Bunga
Ditutup Hari Ini Jam operasional 10:00-17:00(Waktu masuk berakhir tamat pada 17:00)
Masa bersiar-siar yang disyorkan:1-2 jam
Wenhua Village, Yufeng Temple Road, Yulong Naxi Autonomous County, Lijiang CityPeta
Ulasan pelancong:

The sea of flowers in Lijiang Naxi County in late summer and early autumn is more like a large wetland. When you enter the door, you will be attracted by a cluster of beautiful flowers. Some of those flowers can be called to the name. All kinds of unique shapes are far from time to time. Even the breeze floating in the wind is also intoxicating. The tourists who come and go are dressed in beautiful costumes, those wonderful young women with garlands, wearing gorgeous national costumes, all the beauty so natural, so harmonious, so integrated.

Jimat 18

Cadangan Berhampiran Flower Sea

Ulasan Flower Sea: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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