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98 Ulasan
Padang rumput
Ditutup Hari Ini Jam operasional 07:30-15:00
Masa bersiar-siar yang disyorkan:2-3 jam
Lijiang Dalong Naxi Autonomous County Lijiang Dayulong Tourist Scenic Area Ya Niuping Ticket Office (No. 3 Parking Lot Impression Lijiang Exit)Peta
Nombor telefon0888-5131068, 0888-5131111
Ulasan pelancong:

It takes 30 minutes for the visitor center to get to the Yak Niuping cableway, at least 30 minutes for the cable car in line, and 20 minutes for the cable car. Not counting the urban area to the scenic spot, you have at least 1.5 hours on the scenic commute. So the arrangement should be compact, the scenery to Yak Niuping is the best, and don't waste time taking pictures on the road. Go up to Yak Niuping, look at the valley on the left plank road, there are many people, the road is close; the right plank road looks at the hillside, the slope is slow, there is a snowflake temple. When I went to the snowflake temple, I was repairing it. It is recommended to go to the left. The scenery is better and there are more punching points. Be sure to stick to the snow mountain viewing platform, the most beautiful scenery is there, the weather can see the panoramic view of the glacier, good luck.

Jimat 22

Cadangan Berhampiran Maoniuping

Ulasan Maoniuping: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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