Terokai Ulasan Tetamu Hotel di Chitose

Lakeside Villa Suimeikaku
4.7/57 Ulasan
3度目の宿泊、経営が変わってからは初めての宿泊です。宿の皆さんは変わりないようで。美肌の湯とイタリアンディナーを堪能させていただきました。 支笏湖温泉には幾つかのホテルがありますが、翠明閣のお湯が一番しっとりして、大好きな温泉です。 貸切風呂は、循環式なので少し塩素臭はしますが、支笏湖の景色がカバーしてくれます。部屋温泉は泉質も最高で、桧風呂(と思いますが)はささくれもなく、木肌に張り付いている温泉成分はありますが、木肌が出てるところはツルツル、木肌にも、人の肌にも良いお風呂なのは間違いありません。 イタリアンディナーは、私達にはちょうどで、朝ご飯は和食ですが、支笏湖の景色を含めて、ちょうどな感じです。 残念なのは、経営が変わって、素敵な生花がなくなったことでしょうか。 今回は、穏やかな支笏湖の景色、温泉とイタリアンディナーをたっぷり堪能させてもらいました。
Portom International Hokkaido
4.9/5510 Ulasan
We have stayed at hotels located in or very near major airports. Some have been good, but we have found those actually in the airport usually practice treating guests as prisoners who don’t have other good options. Service there is usually average at best and care of the property is often marginal. Not so with the Sapporo Portom International. We wish every major airport in the world had a hotel just like it. It is new, modern, comfortable, well maintained, and run by a professional helpful staff. Our room was a Superior Twin, a typical shoe-box shaped hotel room, this one on the big side. Those who frequent hotels know the typical shoe box room will suffice as long as it’s clean and the water is hot, but you also probably notice some owners do a lot more than others with their rooms to make guests comfortable. This room has all the latest high tech, from lights to tv to curtains to outlets for charging. There’s a safe, fridge, and nespresso coffee maker. The bathroom has a little wet room with separate tub and shower. However, unlike many Japanese hotel wet rooms we encountered, the shower was western style (rather than the onsen-style with both shower and faucet, sitting stool and big bowl). However, if you want an onsen bath, the real thing can be accessed on the 4th floor of the hotel where there is everything you need to cleanse and then soak in a public bath of hot mineral water. The hotel also appears to be designed to facilitate quiet and rest. It’s purposely dimly lit and located at one end of the international terminal away from other airport services. It has black-out curtains. The location, which helps keep it quiet, is about 15-minutes' walk from the domestic terminal where most of the airport’s services are located (just a Lawson's convenience store nearby the hotel as well as a Visitor Welcome Center type place). Even if your itinerary doesn’t take you to the domestic terminal side of the airport, if you have time, you’ll likely want to peruse the many shops and restaurants over there. If you’re technology challenged, make sure to quiz the staff member who accompanies you to your room on room features and how they work. At checkout we were provided an airport cart and they loaded our luggage on it for us. This cart together with moving walkways between the international and domestic terminals removed a lot of the burden of crossing the airport on foot with luggage. We wanted to avoid rushing from the Sapporo city center to catch a 40-minute train or taxi to the airport for an early morning flight. The Sapporo Portom International was perfect, plus it afforded us a final onsen experience in Japan. Please build more.
Lake Shikotsu Tsuruga Resort Spa Mizu No Uta
4.6/5160 Ulasan
Truly a world class onsen resort! My partner and I booked a 2 night stay and was truly taken care of with dignity by ALL of the staff members we've interacted with. The minute we drove into the compound, our car was politely taken over by the valet staff, and luggages handled by their concierge - we literally completed check in without the hassle of finding a parking spot or dragging our luggages around. Every staff member, and I truly mean all of them, made sure they greeted you and ensured that you have everything you need. I highly recommend going for the Kaiseki Meal at the Japanese restaurant within the compound. We were taken care of by 中谷-san, who does his best to converse with us in English and made sure we know what we're consuming. Food was delicious, well-plated and very fresh. One thing to note - this is a superbly well-maintained onsen resort that probably has been established for many years now. Given the age of the facility, you won't be finding modern fixtures like USB outlets and cable TV in the room. Nevertheless, the beautiful and well-kept interiors would certainly make up for that. You'll also find amenities like sewing kit, nail clipper and even indigestion medicine (wow!) in case you ever need them. Highly recommended if you're in Hokkaido!
Lake Shikotsu Tsuruga Bessou Ao No Za
4.7/540 Ulasan
Our family stayed at this hotel for 2 nights. While my other family members are completely satisfied and happy, I left with mixed feelings. But this is a special experience which I think is worthy of my time to share a detailed review here. We stayed at the suite resort and suite sky resort (1 night each). The design and maintenance of the hotel are impressive. It is a place that feels artistic, escaping from the busy life to fully relax and enjoy a good view of the lake. All guests need to take off shoes while in the hotel, and can wear the hotel wear (Japanese style) while doing different activities in the hotel (feel truly immersed in the atmosphere). Most staff are very smart, proactive, and attentive to client needs. They generally speak good English, although some cannot but they will still try their best to help. We tried both the Japanese tea ceremony and indigo, and those were very good (but these activities are not suitable for very young kids like aged below 6). The staff are real professionals. The rooms are ready early so after we arrive around 1pm (which is impressive because most hotels will just hold the room until the check-in time even though the room is available). We were led by the staff into the room and were given a brief introduction, and our luggage was carried by the staff. We stayed in a different room type on the second day, and could wait in the room until the new room is available at around 11:30am (again, this is very considerate action by the hotel). On the first day, we got champagne, welcome chocolate and fruit. On the second day, we got afternoon tea service at room (desserts which were very nice). Room size is large (100m2 or larger), and with the room service, it is enjoyable to just stay and enjoy fully the hotel room. The in-room dining area turns into sleeping area for kids at night (staff set up futons while we had dinner). The beds and futons were comfortable. The in-room jacuzzi and open air both (onsen) are great - the temperature of the onsen water can be adjusted by calling the front desk (we didn't adjust though, as it was just fine). The room service items are great - the kids like the Aonoza wraps a lot and the nuts in the platter have very special tasty smoky favor. Again, desserts were so good (they called it ”original sweets”, which they offer the strawberry tart and chestnut mousse for both days we stayed). The waiting time between calling and food arriving is acceptable (like 10 minutes in most cases, even in late evening). I didn't try their bar lounge though, because bar lounge doesn't accept kids. Location wise, it is close to the Lake Shikotsu by 10-15 minutes walk. Quite convenient to go there (and enjoy the Ice Festival) - we go back and forth a few times without problem. The hotel can also lend child ski boat, which the kids love. On the other hand, the meals are disappointing. We informed the hotel a couple weeks in advance that 1 kid is allergic to seafood and 2 kids cannot ea
Shikotsuko Daiichi Hotel Suizantei
4.7/5128 Ulasan
1泊2日、庭園露天風呂付特別室「水浅葱」禁煙和洋室、大人2名(特別料理)鉄板焼グリルコース/レイトチェックアウト12時のプラン 少しわかりずらい所にある、大きい駐車場を過ぎてから湖畔に下っていく道路を進、通行禁止の立て看板を右に曲がると直ぐにホテルの名前の書いた灯篭と入口がある、左に曲がつて玄関にクルマを付ける(あまり玄関先の駐車スペースは広くはない)着いたがホテルに人がなかなか出てこないので、自分で荷物を下ろしているとホテルの人が出てきて荷物を運んでくれた、車は玄関先の駐車スペースに止めてくださいと言われたので止める、チェックインは湖畔の見えるロビーでお菓子とお茶をいただきながら済ませこの時に夕食の時間と朝食の時間を決める、部屋に向かう途中に館内の案内をしてもらう、部屋は地下一階になる、部屋に入り荷物を入れてもらい部屋の簡単な案内をしてもらった、部屋は2人だとかなり広い、茶の間、座敷、寝室、内風呂、露天風呂などがある、部屋は綺麗だけれど、照明のスイッチ類が古さを感じた、早速大浴場に入りに行く、部屋と同じ階にあるのですぐに行ける、適度の大きさの湯船でいい感じ、露天は寝湯と岩風呂になる岩風呂の温度は丁度よかったが、内風呂がかなり冷たく感じた(上がってからフロントにぬるいことを伝えた)その後1階のラウンジで無料の自家製水ゼリーとコーヒーをいただく、紙コップがあったので部屋でいただくように1杯もらった、2階にもラウンジがあるそこでは湖畔を眺めながら紅茶をいただけるそうです、部屋に戻りソファーでくつろぐ、ソファーの座り心地がよく寝てしまいそうになる、夕食は地下一階の「苔庵」で鉄板焼グリルをいただく支笏湖の水でひいた出汁をワイングラスでいただき、突き出し、お造里、グリルで魚料理、肉料理と続き最後に食事となり釜炊白御飯か梅茶漬けどちらかを選べた、最後にデザートになる、目の前で焼いてもらえて温かい物が食べれて良かった、タラバ、アワビ、白老黒毛和牛などとてもおいしかった(料理の出てくるタイミングも良かった)帰り際に夜食に食べてくださいとお稲荷さんをもらった、部屋に戻り部屋の露天風呂に入る、露天風呂には体を洗うところがなく内風呂で洗うことになるが少し距離がある、(大浴場で体を先に洗ってきて入った)お湯の温度は丁度良くいつまでも入って入れる温度、湯上りでソファーに横になって館内Wi-Fiに繋ぎスマホを見ているといつの間にか意識がなくなりかける、夜食にもらったお稲荷さんをいただく、(結構お腹がいっぱいだったが美味しくいただいた)眠くなったので寝ることにする、寝室と座敷、茶の間に段差があるので少し明るくして寝ようと部屋の灯りのスイッチ操作したがうまくいかず、したかがないので床の間の灯りを付けて寝た(これでも明るい)、平日なのであまり泊まっていないせいかすごく静かでよく眠れた、朝起きて部屋の露天風呂に入る、部屋に露天風呂があると好きな時に入れていい、朝食は苔庵の奥にある階段を上がり1階の「草庵」で和定食をいただく、飲み物は牛乳、グリンスムージー、トマトシューズやヨーグルトなどがあった、1卓ずつに水コンロが置いてあり「チップ」や「ホッケ」自家製さつま揚げなどをあぶって温かくしたべた手の込んだおいしい朝ご飯だった、部屋に戻りチェックアウトまでまだ時間があったので湖畔を散歩することにする、同じように湖畔を散歩している人が結構いた、少し寒くなってきたので部屋に戻りまた露天風呂につかる、結構のんびりできたチェックアウトの時はフロント人が少ないのか少し時間がかかった、朝も1階のラウンジで水出しのコーヒーとクロワッサンがいただけるので少しラウンジで待つのもいいかもしれません。少し時間の流れがゆっくりしているような気がします、夫婦やカップルで利用するといいかもしれません。あと周りにコンビニがありません苫小牧だからだとファミリーマート千歳からだとファミリーマートもしくはセブンイレブンになるので注意がしつようです。

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