Building 9, Longmenhao Old Street, Nanbin Road, Nan'an District, Chongqing, ChinaLihat Butiran Hotel
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Pengguna Tetamu
Hillside River-View Terrace Double Bed Room
Menginap pada Mei 2024
1 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Disiarkan pada 26 Jun 2024
Thoroughly enjoyed our stay here, service staff is excellent - special mention to 李萌萌 who provided good dining recommendations. Sumptuous breakfast spread - variety of local and western dishes. Good view from our room
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Hello dear guests, I am very happy to bring you a pleasant travel experience. The hotel is located halfway up the hill in Longmenhao Old Street. As the most well-preserved historical and cultural street in the center of Chongqing, formerly known as the earliest wharf in Chinese mainland for foreign trade, the characteristics of the mountain construction allow you to experience the characteristics of the mountain city "climbing the hill" for the first time, and the butler will usually contact you one day in advance to understand your luggage to ensure your stay experience. The hotel is equipped with star-rated facilities and equipment, and 24-hour butler service allows you to forget your tiredness and feel warm when you go out, until you reach the inner border. Breakfast is a daily rotation of Chinese and Western styles, just to let you feel the unique "Chongqing taste" in terms of taste, and strive to bring you the most comfortable physical and mental enjoyment. The hotel will continue to uphold the service concept of careful, attentive and happy to escort your vacation, and look forward to meeting you next time~Hello dear mountain guests, I am very happy to bring you a pleasant travel experience. The hotel is located halfway up the hill in Longmenhao Old Street. As the most well-preserved historical and cultural street in the center of Chongqing, formerly known as the earliest wharf in Chinese mainland for foreign trade, the characteristics of the mountain construction allow you to experience the characteristics of the mountain city "climbing the hill" for the first time, and the butler will usually contact you one day in advance to understand your luggage to ensure your stay experience. The hotel is equipped with star-rated facilities and equipment, and 24-hour butler service allows you to forget your tiredness and feel warm when you go out, until you reach the inner border. Breakfast is a daily rotation of Chinese and Western styles, just to let you feel the unique "Chongqing taste" in terms of taste
Bilik deluxe King Size dengan Halaman
Menginap pada Ogo 2023
1 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Disiarkan pada 18 Sep 2023
We already had high expectations but our experience here went way beyond. You can tell that every little detail had been thought of. Not only was the location and hotel itself unique, the service from the staff was outstanding. They were all friendly and extremely attentive. When we first arrived, they gave us mosquito patches and had soup waiting for us in the room. The daily breakfasts were so nicely presented and delicious. The staff even remembered our coffee order after our first day. 110% recommend. Thank you!
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Dear guest, thank you for choosing to stay in Chongqing, and thank you for your recognition of the hotel. The hotel is located in the middle of Longmen Hao Old Street Scenic Area. Due to the topography and topography of Chongqing, the bus can not reach the entrance of the hotel. The housekeeper will contact you in advance and wait for the specific drop-off location. During your stay at the hotel, you will be introduced to the attractions along the way. Due to the lush vegetation around the hotel and the warm light source in the building, there are some mosquitoes, but the indoor mosquito repellent equipment is prepared for you in advance and turned on when you turn down. The hotel uses Chinese and Western rotation for breakfast every day to provide you with high-quality energy. Thank you again for your love to Chongqing, we will use our full efforts to make more fully prepared and waiting for your coming again ~
Foo Ai Ping
Mountain City Superior Double Bed Room
Menginap pada Sep 2023
5 ulasan
Disiarkan pada 12 Okt 2023
A boutique hotel that is located in a historical area Longmen Hao Old Street. It has three building to the hotel : ex US Embassy, ex savings Bank and ex customs Villa. The service by the team was excellent and it goes to show a long way on how they care for their guests to make sure we are well taken care of . They are very quick to respond to your needs and always is proactive in suggesting good places to eat and visit . Thank you for the wonderful hospitality and I would highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for a unique stay
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Hello dear guest, I am very happy to bring you a pleasant travel experience. The hotel is located on Haolao Street in Longmen, which was originally the site of Xinhua Trust Savings Bank, the US Embassy, and the customs villa complex. It is also the most well preserved and largest historical and cultural old street in the main urban area of Chongqing. The buildings retain the original style of the villa complex site during the Republic of China period. Looking ahead to the Yangtze River, leaning against the Nanshan Mountains, and standing in the bright lights of the ancient ruins, the scenery is serene and serene. We are committed to creating a warm and comfortable accommodation environment while also providing a butler style service that matches the hotel, aiming to wholeheartedly meet your needs. We look forward to meeting you again
Pengguna Tetamu
Republican Military Official Terrace Double Bed Room
Menginap pada Dis 2022
6 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Disiarkan pada 1 Feb 2023
very good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 親愛的山客您好,非常開心能夠得到您的認可!酒店位於龍門浩老街,身處酒店可遠眺渝中半島,附近就是往來的長江索道以及東水門長江大橋,酒店室內是經過謝柯老師精心打造,整體室內設計以日式侘寂風格理念為主,融合了中國東方人文美學。小渝非常高興能給您帶來愜意的旅行體驗,您的肯定是我們努力的動力,期待與您的下次見面~
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 親愛的山客您好!非常感謝您選擇我們酒店並分享入住感受。您的認可讓我們倍感榮幸,更堅定了我們打造極致服務的初心。酒店由民國時期的老建築改造而成,保留了使館別墅羣的原始風貌,前俯瞰長江,背靠南山,江對岸就是繁華都市解放碑,雖身處鬧市,但又和鬧市“格格不入”,既下山將重慶將隔岸的魔幻都市和文化歷史完美糅合。房間內準備有歡迎水果和包含重慶特產的minibar,床品及洗漱用品全部特殊定製衹為帶給您舒適的休息空間,我們深知味覺記憶的深刻性,所以望耳餐廳以高原食材為起點,奔赴不止於創新的渝菜,旨在帶給您不一樣的山城味道,再次感謝您對既下山·重慶的厚愛,我們將用我們十足的努力,為您的再次到來作出更加盡善盡美的準備與等待~
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 親愛的山客您好!很高興與您在既下山重慶相遇,感謝您的用心點評,也非常感謝您對我們服務的認可。酒店位於南岸區龍門浩老街,毗鄰長江,作為重慶最早對外通商的港口和外商所居住的地點,老街整體青磚黛瓦、層層疊疊、青石甬道,民國時期獨特建築風格賦予了每一棟建築不同的格調和文化品位,與當地傳統吊腳樓建築風格形成了鮮明的對比。酒店建築保留了民國時期美國使館別墅羣的原風貌,室內風格也是為了契合酒店建築的歷史文化底藴設計的,華燈初上之時,從酒店餐廳院子內望出去,對岸的渝中區城市夜景一覽無餘,盡收眼底。管家通常會提前一天與您聯繫,瞭解您所帶行李從而保證您的入住體驗,酒店以星級標準的設施設備配合24小時的管家服務讓您出門在外能夠忘卻疲憊,感受温暖,直至抵達內心的邊境。酒店將繼續秉承用心做事、細心服務的服務理念,期待您再次光臨~
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 親愛的山客您好!非常感謝您選擇我們的酒店,也特別感激您分享如此細緻的入住體驗。能得到您對酒店服務及景觀的認可,我們由衷地開心!關於您提到的隔音問題,由於咱們酒店是文保建築,部分房間屋頂無法拆除重建,這確實是我們面臨的挑戰。但為了給大家更好的體驗,我們在房間都安裝了雙層隔音玻璃 ,希望能最大程度減少外界幹擾。不過從您的反饋來看,隔音效果還未達到您的期望,我們會進一步檢查和優化,也準備了隔音耳塞供客人使用,後續還會探索更多降噪辦法。衞生方面出現的問題,我們已嚴肅處理,加強了對保潔流程和標準的監管,之後會更仔細地清潔每一處角落,保證給客人提供乾淨整潔的環境。再次感謝您的支持與包容,期待與您下次相見,感受我們改進後的全新體驗 !
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 親愛的山客您好,非常高興能給您帶來愜意的旅行體驗。酒店位於龍門浩老街,原身是新華信託儲蓄銀行、美國大使館及海關別墅羣舊址,這裏也是重慶主城區保存最完好、規模最大的歷史文化老街,樓棟保留了民國時期別墅羣舊址的原始風貌。“古蹟新貌處處境”,前瞻長江,背倚南山,身處華燈長明處,但品幽謐靜清時。既下山致力於打造温暖、舒適的住宿環境。同時,酒店提供24小時管家式服務,最大程度的給客人帶來個性化體驗,咱們的早餐也是中西式一天一輪換,期望能滿足您對山城重慶味覺的享受。期待與您再次相遇~
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 親愛的山客您好,非常高興能給您帶來滿意的入住體驗。酒店位於龍門浩老街的半山腰處,前身是中國內陸最早對外通商的碼頭,依山而建的特性讓您能第一時間體驗到山城特色“爬坡上坎”,酒店三棟建築保留了民國時期別墅羣舊址的原始風貌,酒店室內為謝柯老師設計,整體設計風格是以侘寂風為主,再糅合當地的文化特色,建造更為獨特的既下山風格。酒店為您準備了當季最具特色並且新鮮的歡迎水果歡迎您的到來,搭配每晚的甜湯也是精心搭配挑選食材,具有潤肺、促消化及益氣補血等功效,配合24小時管家式服務,讓您出門能夠忘卻疲憊,感受温暖,直達內心的邊境。再次感謝您的認可和喜歡,期待與您的下次相遇~
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 親愛的山客,您好~非常感謝您入住既下山·重慶,酒店位於南岸區龍門浩老街,毗鄰長江,作為重慶最早對外通商的港口和外商所居住的地點,老街整體青磚黛瓦、層層疊疊、青石甬道,民國時期獨特建築風格賦予了每一棟建築不同的格調和文化品位,與當地傳統吊腳樓建築風格形成了鮮明的對比。華燈初上之時,從酒店餐廳院子內望出去,對岸的渝中區城市夜景一覽無餘,盡收眼底~,早餐是中西式每日輪換,衹為在味道上讓您感受到獨一無二的“重慶味道”。同時酒店提供管家式服務,衹為您的重慶之旅更添一份滿足,非常感謝您對酒店和小夥伴們的認可,期待您再次到來~
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 親愛的山客您好,非常高興能給您帶來滿意的入住體驗。酒店位於龍門浩老街的半山腰處,前身是中國內陸最早對外通商的碼頭,依山而建的特性讓您能第一時間體驗到山城特色“爬坡上坎”,酒店三棟建築保留了民國時期別墅羣舊址的原始風貌,酒店室內為謝柯老師設計,整體設計風格是以侘寂風為主,再糅合當地的文化特色,建造更為獨特的既下山風格。酒店為您準備了當季最具特色並且新鮮的歡迎水果歡迎您的到來,搭配每晚的甜湯也是精心搭配挑選食材,具有潤肺、促消化及益氣補血等功效,配合24小時管家式服務,讓您出門能夠忘卻疲憊,感受温暖,直達內心的邊境。再次感謝您的認可和喜歡,期待與您的下次相遇~
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 親愛的山客,您好~非常感謝您入住既下山·重慶,酒店位於南岸區龍門浩老街,毗鄰長江,作為重慶最早對外通商的港口和外商所居住的地點,老街整體青磚黛瓦、層層疊疊、青石甬道,民國時期獨特建築風格賦予了每一棟建築不同的格調和文化品位,與當地傳統吊腳樓建築風格形成了鮮明的對比。酒店房間內的一桌一椅都是經過設計師精心考量後設定擺放的,希望帶給您舒適的入住體驗之外也能兼具更高層次的美學設計要求。由於酒店是介於傳統酒店與民宿之間的設計型精品酒店,我們希望給您帶來除了傳統星級酒店的接待標準和客房打掃配置標準外,也能夠用我們的細心與熱情,給您帶來不一樣的入住體驗。酒店還為您提供24小時管家式服務,不論您是什麼時候需要幫助,小渝一直都在。非常開心我們的服務能得到您的高分評價,既下山和門店小夥伴們也祝您未來的每一天都充滿愛與温暖~
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 親愛的山客,您好!很高興能給您帶來滿意的入住體驗。酒店位於南岸區龍門浩老街,毗鄰長江,作為重慶最早對外通商的港口和外商所居住的地點,老街整體青磚黛瓦、層層疊疊、青石甬道。酒店三棟建築保留了民國時期別墅羣舊址的原始風貌,酒店室內為謝柯老師設計,整體設計風格是以侘寂風為主,再糅合當地的文化特色,建造更為獨特的既下山風格。酒店與渝中區隔江相望,一面是魔幻都市,繁雜、喧嚷、瞬息萬變;另一面是擺着龍門陣的地道重慶,感受現代繁華的同時也體會到重慶濃烈質樸火辣的生活氣息。感謝您對酒店的支持與推薦,我們將用我們十足的努力,為您的再次到來作出更加盡善盡美的準備與等待~
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 親愛的山客,您好!感謝您對重慶既下山的喜愛與肯定。酒店位於龍門浩老街的半山腰處,前身是中國內陸最早對外通商的碼頭,依山而建的特性讓您能第一時間體驗到山城特色“爬坡上坎”,酒店三棟建築保留了民國時期別墅羣舊址的原始風貌,酒店室內為謝柯老師設計,整體設計風格是以侘寂風為主,再糅合當地的文化特色,建造更為獨特的既下山風格。酒店每天早餐採用中西式輪換,選取優質食材為您開啟活力滿滿的一天,衹為在味道上讓您感受到獨一無二的“重慶味道”。既下山一直在傳達着東方人更為內斂、更關注自我的度假體驗,致力於在極致的目的地帶給山客極致的人文度假體驗,也非常歡迎您在之後的旅途中體驗到不同但獨屬於既下山的風光哦~
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 親愛的山客您好,非常高興能給您帶來愜意的旅行體驗。酒店位於龍門浩老街,原身是新華信託儲蓄銀行、美國大使館及海關別墅羣舊址,這裏也是重慶主城區保存最完好、規模最大的歷史文化老街,樓棟保留了民國時期別墅羣舊址的原始風貌。酒店的軟裝由設計師謝柯老師精心打造,整體以侘寂風格理念為主,融合了貼近重慶氣息和建築歷史的中國東方人文美學,風格別具匠心。管家通常會提前一天與您聯繫,瞭解您所帶行李從而保證您的入住體驗,酒店以星級標準的設施設備配合24小時的管家服務讓您出門在外能夠忘卻疲憊,感受温暖,直至抵達內心的邊境。早餐是中西式每日輪換,衹為在味道上讓您感受到獨一無二的“重慶味道”酒店將繼續秉承用心做事、細心服務的服務理念,期待您再次光臨~