Agoho Resort

Ulasan Agoho Resort

Agoho Resort

Agoho Resort, Mambajao, PhilippinesLihat Butiran Hotel
Agoho Resort
Agoho ResortAgoho ResortAgoho Resort
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Tiffany Stephens
Bilik Keluarga dengan Balkoni
Menginap pada Dis 2023
2 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Disiarkan pada 16 Jan 2024
We did a family vacation to the Philippines. We stayed in four different hotels during our trip, and Agoho Resort was easily the best and the favorite as voted on by all seven folks in my group. Be it the black sand beach in their backyard, their fantastic manicured garden to get to the beach, the restaurant that catered only to guests, the large and stupendously clean rooms, the location and ease to get about, or the assistance to explain tourists spots, restaurants, and expected costs - this place was bonkers good. And the owners are so very easy to talk to, not out of need but because they like interacting with their guests. And there may be a varied selection of beers at the hotel that I couldn't find anywhere else about the island. I was so impressed, I took a video and circulated it amongst my coworkers and friends. That sounds normal in today's world, but I hate doing that. Agoho was such an escape and a wonderful experience, I wanted others to see and hear about it. We plan to revisit the Philippines in the coming years, and we will be staying at Agoho again, likely with many of our friends.
Pengguna Tetamu
Bilik Double
Menginap pada Mac 2024
1 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Disiarkan pada 25 Mac 2024
Nice and clean location with access to beach.
Pengguna Tetamu
Bilik dengan Katil bersaiz Queen dengan Pemandangan
Menginap pada Mac 2024
14 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Disiarkan pada 17 Mac 2024
離機場差不多7️⃣到🔟分鐘TukTuk路程,在北面靠西一點的位置,resort自帶的花園可以直接看到離島white island,花園也十分漂亮,本次在這個resort呆了四晚五天,一晚是對着海邊花園躺着可以直接看到珊瑚白沙島的房間,非常享受。有個碩大的廁所,有沙發有廚房冰箱等,房間有空調電視吊扇廁所有通風扇等,洗漱用品也可以要求提供。老闆是個西人,目測像法國意大利那邊的,老闆娘是當地人,看起來很有能耐的女子。整體服務很好,但是因為海島關係,停電和網絡不穩定是很日常的事情,海島玩家都懂(馬代那種奢品酒店不在對比範圍內)。晚上如果沒有網,就去跟服務員一起英語角聊天,裏面有個高高的笑起來很好看的服務員小姑娘很活絡很好玩的,很粉內娛偶像劇,一説起中國男明星就害羞捂臉。推薦的晚餐雞肉蘑菇意麪是我那段時間吃到最好吃的食物(請看圖)。讓他們規劃及幫定TukTuk或者小卡車multicab也都很積極。甚至後面聊熟了在我離店後還幫我去諮詢了宿務城市tour的價格,十分貼心。酒店客人以西人和中產本地客人為主。還有有摩託車租賃服務(會開摩託車有國內駕照的比較建議,其他還是建議租司機走,因為很多山路,不太安全)。