About City Hotel Kendari& City Hotel Kendari can be a very appropriate accommodation choice for You who need acomfortable stay in Kendari. Hotel is very recommended for backpackers who wantto get a future stay that is more affordable but comfortable at the moment are thesame. This hotel is a place that is perfect with a facility that is decent and theservice hat beyond the ordinary. City Hotel Kendari & LocationHotel located at Mandonga, Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, spelled out very strategic for CityHotel Kendari only within 0. 99 km of Monument MTQ and 2. 65 km N of Lippo PlazaKendari. Because it is very easy to reach,you can use private vehicles or public transportation. Check-inThe hotel opens a reception service 24 hours a day. You can check k- in at 14. 00 andat 12. 00 to check-out. You do not need to hesitate to ask, because the staff as areable to do multilingual service. City Hotel Kendari & Facility and ServiceBecause it is a recommended accommodation, City Hotel Kendari has a variety of exclusivefacilities and services to pamper guests who are staying. Are as follows:- Free Wi-Fi in every room & & & & & - Free access to Wi-Fi in the Lobby & & & & & - Coffee Shop & & & & & - Restaurant ( breakfast, eat lunch, eat dinner ) & & & & & & & & & - Parking area & & & & & - room service & & & & & - cleaning service & & & & & - Friendly accessibility & & & & & & & - 24-hour front deskCity Hotel Kendari & RoomsThere are various types of rooms offered by City Hotel Kendari such as:- Superior- Deluxe- StandardYou can choose the room according to Your needs because allrooms in this hotel have the same comfort and cleanliness that is always maintained. You can enjoy air- conditioned rooms complete with soft and comfortable bed, free Wi-Fi,flat-screen TVs, and minibars. There is also a bathroom with a shower as wellas equipment bathing free. Restaurant & CaféThe hotel offers a restaurant for breakfast, eat lunch and eat dinner. You can enjoy thedishes were delicious...
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