22 Oktober 2022
No matter how hard it tries, this hotel is simply from another era. The refreshed exterior won't save you from the socialist realist nightmare of the big panel buildings. Of the things to highlight first. It is clean and the staff is friendly and professional. If you want to stay one or two nights and spend most of your time outside the hotel, it's Ok. The trouble begins if you have to stay longer and you spend at least some time in the hotel each day. Everything is either too small or cramped. The bed is for a dwarf. The bathtub is suitable for a newborn and they put the shower handle at belly height. Everything most simply pretends, it is supposed to look or fill the hotel standard from the manual but is completely unfit for use. If this hotel had one star, everything would be fine, but three stars is simply a fraud, everything looks more like a dormitory than a hotel. So much for the topic. Food is a matter of taste, it was fresh and the stomach did not hurt after it, although after the third day of the repeated standard of yellow cheese, cold meat and something sweet, a visit to the nearby supermarket was like a Michelin-starred restaurant.