
Baokang Yaozhi River - a fairyland on earth

Canyons and mountains - the location is the Yaozhi River Scenic Area in Baokang County, Xiangyang City. The main attractions of the scenic area include Emperor Yao's Divine Gorge, Old Dragon Palace, and Three Realms Cave Heaven, which are not very far from each other. The gorge is very cool and is especially suitable for summer retreats; it's even a bit cold in May. There are two entertainment facilities, a glass walkway and a slide, but both are quite small. The water upstream in the gorge is green, while downstream it is blue, like a sapphire hidden in the mountains, very beautiful. Navigation: Yaozhi River Tourist Area Visitor Center Parking Lot, which can be reached directly (free of charge). The mountain road has eighteen bends, and it takes more than an hour to get there from Baokang County. It is mostly self-driving tourism, and I didn't see any buses. Attractions - The first stop is Emperor Yao's Divine Gorge (free with the Xiangyang annual pass), located opposite the visitor center. After exchanging tickets at the visitor center, take a shuttle bus into the scenic area, which can go all the way to the uppermost part of Emperor Yao's Divine Gorge. Walk slowly downstream along the river, there is shade from trees, and the blue river water is beautiful at the end. Along the way, there are attractions like Emperor Yao's Temple and the Rainbow Suspension Bridge to visit, and the scenic area is quite large. The second stop is the Three Realms Cave Heaven parking lot. During the May Day period, there is a free song and dance drama performance at the square in front of the entrance to Three Realms Cave Heaven. The interior of Three Realms Cave Heaven is not included in the annual pass. If time and budget allow, you can enter and stroll around. There is a cave on the mountain top that can also be visited. Parking here is quite tight, and it can get congested on holidays.
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Jun 21, 2024
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Yaozhi River Scenic Area

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