First experience of Chitwan Forest Tour

Bumpy all the way from Kathmandu to Chitwan, driving into the edge of the forest by jeep, it still retains a very primitive state. Four people rode an elephant into the jungle. According to the guide, to distinguish the age of the elephant, you need to look at its ears. The whiter the color, the older it is, just like human white hair. My partner and I rode a steady elephant mother, who has always been the leader in the elephant team, leading everyone forward. Her elephant son followed behind, playing with branches with his trunk for a while, and then stopping to bite a few leaves. He was naughty and cute. Whenever the elephant mother looked back at him, he immediately started to move forward obediently, showing the deterrence of the mother. Then we changed to a wooden boat and went downstream. Along the way, we saw many beautiful birds, groups of sika deer, rhino mother and son playing in the mud, and crocodiles and old turtles basking in the sun on the river beach, a scene of peace and tranquility. Listening to the sound of gurgling water and breathing the air full of negative oxygen ions in the forest, it purifies the body and mind from the inside out.
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Jan 10, 2024
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