Where to go for the Spring Festival holiday? Let's head to Daishan

Daishan County, under the jurisdiction of Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province, is one of the twelve island counties in the country. It is located in the northern coastal area of Zhejiang Province, in the central part of the Zhoushan Archipelago New Area, with the high seas to the east; to the southeast, it reaches the Yellow Sea and Xiaobanmen Channel, connecting to the maritime area of Putuo District; to the southwest, it reaches Hui Turtle Ocean; to the south, it reaches Guanmen Channel, intersecting with the maritime area of Dinghai District; to the west, it reaches the Qizimei-Bamei Archipelago, bordering the maritime areas of Pinghu City and Cixi City; to the north, it reaches the Chuanhu Archipelago, adjacent to the maritime area of Shengsi County, with a total area of 5,242 square kilometers. In 1949, Wengzhou County was established from Dinghai County. In 1950, Wengzhou County was abolished and merged into Dinghai County. In 1953, Daishan County was established from Dinghai County. In 1958, Daishan County was abolished and merged into Zhoushan County. In 1962, Daishan County was restored; the territory has a fishing and salt history of over a thousand years, and it is one of the top ten key fishing counties in the country, and the largest salt production base in Zhejiang Province, with annual salt production accounting for more than 50% of the province's total. A table of dishes that costs thousands of yuan cannot do without salt that costs 2 yuan. Take a long holiday and walk around Daishan.
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Apr 10, 2024
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