Weekend Travels at the "Red Coast" | Silhouette of Fularji District in Qiqihar

——On Sunday, I took the kids to the Qiqihar Zoo for a visit, and on the way, we went to the Fularji District of Qiqihar. I've always thought the name of this district sounded exotic, so I wanted to take a look around. 👉District History The reason why this place is called the Red Coast is that Fularji is a Daur word meaning 'red coast'. In the third year of the Tongzhi era of the Qing Dynasty (1864), Fula Ji Tun was established. In the twenty-seventh year of the Guangxu era (1901), the Fularji Railway Negotiation Sub-bureau was set up. In September 1954, Fularji was incorporated into the city of Qiqihar. 👉District Highlights ☑️China First Heavy Industries: To be precise, what attracts people here more is the stainless steel statue of Chairman Mao in the square. Founded in 1954, this is the first investment of China's first Five-Year Plan. Over the past 50 years, it has made significant contributions to the country's national defense and economic development. One can learn about the 50-year development history of China's national industry and the advanced and significant complete sets of technical equipment it has provided for the development of the national economy.👍 ☑️Red Coast Park: This place is well-known to many because of the Red Coast Base in the novel 'The Three-Body Problem'. Many people associate it with this place, but more so because of the Daur meaning of Fularji. Located by the Nen River, many local residents come here to stroll and walk after meals, and many children play by the river. For visitors from other places, this is a spot where one can enjoy the scenery of both banks of the Nen River up close.😊 👉Conclusion: As an old industrial base, every brick and tile here tells the story of the industrial development of the Republic, witnessing the historical footsteps of a poor and backward agricultural country transforming into a rich and powerful industrial nation. The vast old factory buildings and the huge mechanical lathes command respect from first-time visitors and offer a unique experience. Ps: Not far from here is a town called Meilisi, known as the barbecue town of Qiqihar. Don't forget to try it out when you're here.🤓 📍Address: Fularji District, Qiqihar City
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: May 29, 2024
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