
The desolation that is barren in the eyes of others is the home I think about day and night

How can you miss "Helan Mountain" when you come to Yinchuan Not for anything else, just the name of Helan Mountain that is closely connected with history, it is worth a visit. Besides, you can see different mountain landscapes, special address rock layers, and rock sheep running all over the ground. Helan Mountain is the boundary mountain between the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, It used to be the natural barrier of the Central Plains dynasty, blocking the invasion of the northwestern nomadic tribes. In ancient times, northern minorities such as the Huns, Xianbei, Turks, Uighurs, Tibetans, Dangxiang, etc. grazed and hunted here, multiplied and thrived, and it is still a multi-ethnic mixed living area for Han, Hui, Mongolian, Manchu, etc. Helan Mountain is majestic and desolate, the rock sheep with protective colors all over their bodies are agile, their bodies are strong, their vitality is vigorous, under the second level of protection, the rock sheep are all over the mountains and can be seen everywhere‼️ Scenic spot ✅Helan Mountain Ba Si Kou Twin Towers Scenic Area opens: Open from February 13, 2024: Opening hours: 9:30 to 17:30 Tickets🎫: Free Ba Si Kou Twin Towers is about 50 kilometers away from the city of Yinchuan. It is the most complete preserved Xixia Buddhist pagoda in China. It has a history of about 1,000 years and is a rare art treasure in the history of Chinese Buddhist pagoda architecture. 10 kilometers west of Ba Si Kou, in the Ba Si Kou Gully, there used to be a four-sided thirteen-story square tower. In 1991, the Ningxia Archaeological Department organized experts to clean up the ruins of the Ba Si Kou square tower. A large number of small mud towers, small mud Buddhas and dozens of precious cultural relics such as Xixia and Han Buddhist scriptures and documents were unearthed. Especially the Xixia Buddhist scriptures "Jixiang Bian Zhi Kou He Ben Xu" that were unearthed caused a sensation at the time. This sutra is the only printed butterfly-bound Xixia Buddhist sutra in China. It is the earliest wooden movable type printed object discovered in the world so far. The discovery of this cultural relic has advanced the invention and use of wooden movable type in our country by nearly a hundred years, that is, from the traditional Yuan to the Xixia, thus ending the history of our country in the Song Dynasty only having movable type printing records but no physical evidence, and strongly proving that one of our country's "Four Great Inventions" "Movable type printing" originated from the fact of the Song Dynasty in China. ✅Helan Mountain Rock Paintings You can see the distribution and style of rock paintings around the world You can see the rock paintings that are still on the rock wall You can see the majestic Helan Mountain & the scenery of the Yinchuan Plain You may also see rock sheep coming over the mountain to drink water World-class great art treasure Helan Mountain rock paintings can be traced back to three thousand to ten thousand years ago Recording the life and beliefs of ancient ancestors ✅Helan Mountain National Forest Park Helan Mountain National Forest Park A ten-minute drive from Zhenbeibao Film City. I think it's one of the most worthwhile places to go in Yinchuan.
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Feb 21, 2024
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Helan Mountain National Forest Park

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