Oliver Lee

Jungle Secret ‖ Hanging Kettle Waterfall

The Hanging Kettle Waterfall, located in the volcanic zone, was formed due to a volcanic eruption causing the riverbed to break and fall under tension, resembling tea pouring out of a teapot. In addition, there is a small stream waterfall in the crevice of the nearby cliff. Hence, it is also known as the 'Mother and Child Waterfall'. —————————————————————————————————————————————————— I. |Location|: Within Longwan Group Forest Park, Huinan County, Tonghua. II. |Business Hours|: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. III. |Ticket Price|: 50 yuan/person IV. |Transportation|: Self-driving is recommended. Navigate to 'Hanging Kettle Waterfall' on your mobile phone. (There are no other means of transportation nearby) V. |Recommended Reason|: The Hanging Kettle Waterfall is currently the coolest forest oxygen bar found in Tonghua, with mountains, water, strange stone forests, waterfall caves, clear and cool water flow, and cool breeze coming on the face, which is really refreshing. In addition, when the waterfall hits the stones in the water, the water splashes and rises into a mist, covering the road under your feet like standing on a cloud☁️, everything in front of you is more like a fairyland that is intriguing, making people who come here reluctant to leave for a long time... VI. |Play Time|: Approximately two to three hours.
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Feb 7, 2024
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