
An ancient mansion in Shanxi from the Qing Dynasty that is even larger than the Forbidden City

🏨 Wang Family Courtyard 🚉Transportation Guide: Departing from Taiyuan, take the train from Taiyuan South to Lingshi East Station. Remember, Lingshi East Station is the closest to Wang Family Courtyard (about fifteen minutes by Lingshi No. 7 bus) Once you arrive at Wang Family Courtyard Station, it's just a five to six hundred meters walk, very close. If you reach Lingshi Station, also take the Lingshi No. 7 bus, it takes about 40 minutes to get to Wang Family Courtyard Station. 🍽Dining Recommendations: There are many restaurants where the bus stops, which is considered a residential area. Inside the Wang Family Courtyard, which is purely a scenic area, there's no food for sale! 📝Note tips: As soon as you enter the main gate, on the left hand side there is a small hut where you can ask for a tour guide, 120r for a guide (you can join with many people). It's essential to hire a guide, or at least join a group with one, especially for the residences of the two Wang brothers. After listening to the explanations, the experience is completely different. The essence of the explanation is also the residences of the Wang brothers. ❤Recommended Reason: The biggest impression is the difficulty of life for women during the Qing Dynasty; not stepping out of the main gate or the second gate meant being trapped in such a small courtyard (no matter how exquisite it is) Sons live on the first floor, daughters on the second floor (also called the Embroidery Building). Thirteen years old going up to the Embroidery Building, fourteen cutting hair, fifteen getting married (it's quite poignant) 🌟Highlights: Moreover, the architectural beauty, both in the grand scheme and the details, is captivating. The stone carvings and wood carvings all have stories and meanings. The Wang family had a high level of education and placed great importance on the education of their children! The Wang family started with selling tofu and built a courtyard larger than the Forbidden City, using only the interest from their savings ('In all trades, a master emerges'). 💰Average Cost: 30r per person in the off-season 👍Most Recommended: The best photography spot is the stairs going up on the right-hand side facing the Dingjia Garden, taking photos with Dingjia Garden as the backdrop. There's no need to go to Wang Family Manor; aside from the name 'Wang,' there's not much connection. The tour guide's explanation takes about 1h, and you can control your own wandering time to be about 3h, which is quite sufficient. Although it's said to be larger than the Forbidden City, the area we visited is actually not that large. Many courtyards are not open due to similar layouts, so 3h is more than enough.
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Apr 14, 2024
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Wang Family Courtyard

4.7/56786 reviews | Historical Architectures
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