Spring Festival Travel: Pray for blessings at the Yunmeng Scenic Area in the old Yimeng area

Friends from all over the country, the New Year is coming soon, have you made your travel plans with your family and friends? Here is a 2-day and 1-night prayer tour guide for Yimeng Mountain to see the snow, take it without thanks 1. If you don't want to go to Harbin where people are crowded, come to the Yunmeng Scenic Area of Yimeng Mountain in Linyi, where I highly recommend for photo shooting. No matter how you shoot in the ice and snow, it looks good! The Cloud Waterfall is located at the top of the Yunmeng Scenic Area of Yimeng Mountain at an altitude of 900 meters. There are also ice and snow tents, tea cooking around the stove and other projects to experience together! 2. You can check the weather in advance before you go. When the sun shines on the glacier, it is absolutely beautiful, like a dream world! You can stay here for 2-3 hours to take pictures, it's worth a trip 3. Forest assault vehicle: This is the most exciting project in the entire scenic area, screaming all the way haha, not as scary as a roller coaster but also exciting enough! The whole journey takes one and a half minutes, sitting in the assault vehicle and shuttling through the high mountain forests, it is both exciting and fun! It is recommended for couples to come together. 4. Yunmeng Peak: It is composed of three main peaks. The three peaks look like a "mountain" character. It is also super out of the picture to take pictures here. It is recommended to sit on the stone and shoot. The distant mountains, the layers are clear and the depth of field effect is super good! If the weather is good enough, it is comparable to the effect of shooting Guilin mountains 5. Rainbow slide: This slide is also a must-play project, rushing down from a high place, my friends and I have slid several times, the farthest slide on the edge. This can also be played with children 6. Tree crown walk, there is a huge trampoline inside for fun, not only children can play, adults can also go to play together, bounce all the pressure and troubles away 7. Jungle crossing, a paradise for extreme sports enthusiasts, shuttling and climbing between the mountains and forests, various exciting and interesting levels, the joy of sports is so simple! 8. Forest cableway, take the cableway down the mountain, the whole journey is 1134 meters, there are two scenic spots on the way that will be slower, the whole scenic area is very spectacular from the air. 9. Route, there are three ways to go up the mountain, namely walking, cableway, and sightseeing car. Hiking enthusiasts can choose to walk, and you may encounter squirrels to go for the Spring Festival
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Feb 19, 2024
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