
Summer blockbuster exhibition at Nanbo! Endless Treasures: The Artistic Spirit of Su Shi's Calligraphy and Painting!

► This is probably one of the biggest special exhibition events in the cultural relics world this summer! The Nanjing Museum's three-year special exhibition "Endless Treasures" is an unprecedented blockbuster exhibition - Centered around Su Shi's calligraphy and painting, in addition to his authentic works, 150 pieces of artworks influenced by his artistic spirit from the Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties are all here - Many are rare pieces exhibited for the first time, including over 80 first-class calligraphy and painting works, among which there are more than 30 pieces from the Song and Yuan periods - Artworks from the Song and Yuan periods have extremely high historical and cultural value, and in order to protect the cultural relics and ensure that the paintings are properly displayed during the three-month exhibition period, Nanbo will divide the exhibition into three phases ►How to visit - Su Shi was the first to propose the concept of 'scholar-official painting'! Literati painting, also known as 'scholar-official painting', generally refers to paintings made by scholars and scholar-officials in ancient Chinese society, as opposed to folk painters and professional painters from the court painting academy. The term 'literati' here specifically refers to people with culture, talent, and thought, so literati painting places great emphasis on artistic conception, stressing 'the conveyance of moral integrity through literature' - The exhibition is divided into two major sections: painting and calligraphy. The painting section includes three chapters: 'Expressing the Heart and Pleasing the Mind', 'Capturing the Form and Spirit', and 'Poetry in Painting' The calligraphy section includes two chapters: 'The Law with Emphasis on Meaning' and 'Calligraphy as Cultivation' The chapters are interconnected, collectively showcasing the profound artistic spirit of Su Shi ►From the audience's perspective In the design of the exhibition hall, special double-glazed low-reflection glass is used to display all the calligraphy and painting works, and soft lighting ensures the best clarity of the exhibits, The total introduction text of the entire venue is over a hundred thousand words, so you won't have trouble understanding ►Don't miss these exhibits Song Su Shi's 'Bamboo and Rock Drawing of Xiao and Xiang' Yuan Huang Gongwang's 'Fuchun Mountains Scroll' Ming Zhu Xi's 'Letter to a Certain Minister' Ming Ni Yuanlu's 'Bamboo and Rock Drawing' Qing Bada Shanren's 'Autumn Window Bamboo Rhyme Drawing' Qing Wang Yuanqi's 'Imitation of Mei Daoren's Landscape Scroll' There are too many exhibits to list them all, better to come and see for yourself ►Tickets: 80 yuan, reserve first then buy tickets ►Exhibition period: until 8.18
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Posted: Jun 28, 2024
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Nanjing Museum

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