
Visa-free destination, Uzbekistan's Avenue of the Dead.

Another visa-free destination added, Uzbekistan on the Silk Road offers a 10-day visa-free stay to check off the most iconic Silk Road sites, with Samarkand being the most famous among them. Samarkand, besides the iconic Registan, also has many ancient buildings worth exploring. ShakhiZinda mausoleum complex is another must-see place in Samarkand. In the 7th century, KusamIbnAbbas, the cousin of Muhammad, came to preach in the river area but was killed. Hundreds of years later, Timur rebuilt the tomb of this preacher, and his heirs built several tombs around Abbas's tomb, forming a magnificent tomb avenue. Various styles of decorations are displayed in front of you, like entering a mythical kingdom. Second Traffic: It takes about half an hour to walk from Registan Square. Along the way, you will pass by souvenir street, Bibi-Khanym Mosque, Hazrat Khizr Mosque and other attractions. You can visit them all on the way. If you don't want to walk, you can also take a taxi directly. Tips: Not only tourists, but also locals often come for pilgrimage. So if you want fewer people, you can wake up early, take a taxi and go there, and then sweep back in the opposite direction towards Registan Square.
*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Apr 16, 2023
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