Harbin Snow Valley Rime Ridge | Let you know that fairy tales really exist

Before departure, I was also very entangled in whether to go to Snow Town or Snow Valley. I made a lot of strategies and asked friends. In the end, I still chose Snow Valley. I personally feel that Snow Valley is more natural and unadorned. Snow Town is more commercialized and the consumption level is also higher than Snow Valley. However, the lights in Snow Town are beautiful at night. If you like to watch night scenes, you can consider Snow Town. I highly recommend Snow Valley for those who want to shoot large-scale wild snow scenes My itinerary is relatively economical, basically playing in the snow and taking pictures in Snow Valley, playing with snow tools, the only more expensive consumption is to go to Rime Ridge, which is set by the inn owner, 400 yuan for round-trip tickets, snowmobiles on the mountain, all projects are free to play, leave in the morning, the longest heard can play until dark, enjoy the super beautiful rime and then play a whole day of snow projects, this ticket is worth it. However, the snow on Rime Ridge is very thick, reminding everyone that snow boots must be long to prevent snow from entering, but thinking that short boots are more daily, so you can actually buy snow covers at the inn, which is only twenty-five, it feels more reliable than the prices I saw online in Snow Town. Rime Ridge is in the uninhabited area of Snow Valley, foggy pine, watching sunrise and sunset skiing, self-driving snowmobiles, snow banana boats, various entertainment projects can play all day. (Except for driving a snowmobile can only come once, others are unlimited play, just taking rubber rings and other things uphill is too tired, but it is quite happy when sliding down ) The snow scene of Rime Ridge is very beautiful and very photogenic! The accumulated snow here is soft and thick, and it won't hurt if you fall. It is also a beautiful place for photo check-in. Once again, remind that the warm equipment must be sufficient, hats, sunglasses, scarves, gloves, especially shoes must be waterproof otherwise it will be very cold when the snow enters, warm babies are all posted!
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Jan 14, 2024
호치민 4년차
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