Wanaka is so beautiful, it's like an exit to another world! The significance of a live picture

In the early morning sunrise, the sky is still shrouded in a grey mist. However, the afternoon sun finally disperses the clouds, and the sky begins to clear. The distant mountains, under the sunlight, with their thin layer of snow, appear exceptionally dazzling. For people from the south, snow is an obsession, a passion. Even just this little bit of snow can excite us immensely. By the lake, a gentle breeze blows, carrying a hint of early autumn's chill. Summer is about to end, and this fact brings a touch of melancholy. Now, Wanaka is like a puppy in the awkward phase of shedding, having lost the verdant green of spring and not yet donned the golden yellow of autumn. However, the leaves by the lake are gradually turning yellow, a sign of autumn. In this transition period, we can only eagerly anticipate, looking forward to the most beautiful autumn. Come on, sisters of New Zealand, get ready to welcome the coming autumn! Remember, warm clothing and thick jackets are all prepared.
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Mar 12, 2024
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