
You're being foolish for not promoting Anhui

"Qiyun Mountain rivals the clouds on the walls, surrounded by low mountains in all directions." Don't just know about Huangshan when you come to Anhui. Half an hour's drive away in Xiuning, there is another Taoist mountain hidden by locals, 'Qiyun Mountain'. In the early morning, the mist is winding, and the fairy villages are hidden on the cliffs, which can be called a beautiful combination of nature and culture. It's quiet with few people, perfect for a leisurely vacation! 🌈Two-day tour strategy DAY1: Huangshan North Station - Check into Qiyun Mountain Hotel - Hengjiang River Bamboo Rafting - Anhui Intangible Cultural Heritage - Dufeng Bridge Hengjiang Golden Dragon Dance DAY2: Watch sunrise at Qiyun Mountain - Check in at the rapeseed flowers - Return trip ⛰️Qiyun Mountain non-return route Take the Yuehua Cableway up the mountain ➡️ Wangxian Pavilion ➡️ Cave Heaven and Blessed Land ➡️ Yuehua Street ➡️ Taixu Palace ➡️ Xiaohu Sky ➡️ Yuxu Palace ➡️ Wulao Peak ➡️ Ziyun Pass ➡️ Fang La Fort ➡️ Danxia Mysterious Corridor ➡️ The highest peak ➡️ Downhill cableway Ps: ①Cableway time 8:15-16:50 ②The walking route takes about 3.5 hours, stroll around the above route without taking any wrong turns 📷Recommended photo check-in spots 📍Yuxu Palace A Taoist temple embedded in the Danxia rock wall, with the surviving stele inscription 'Zixiao Palace Xuandi Inscription' by Tang Bohu 📍Fang La Fort A wooden plank path on the cliff offers a panoramic view of the mountains 📍Danxia Corridor A spectacular gallery of Danxia landforms 📍Cave Heaven and Blessed Land The characters on the cliff walls make for a particularly poetic photo, don't forget to check in at the special 'Heaven Opens Divine Elegance' 🌞Vacation fun 1⃣️ Hengjiang River Bamboo Rafting: Take a bamboo raft trip on the Hengjiang River, where the rapeseed flowers are in full bloom, forming a landscape painting with the ancient town 2⃣️ Anhui Intangible Cultural Heritage: Experience local intangible cultural heritage in Qiyun Town and feel the culture of Anhui 3⃣️ Hengjiang Golden Dragon Dance: Don't miss the boat program on the Hengjiang River at 6:30 pm 4⃣️ Pet Paradise: Feed cute pets, suitable for family trips
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Apr 21, 2024
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