Travel to Linyi, Shandong | Discover the Magical Underground Grand Canyon

🍁Autumn in Linyi is the perfect time to experience the beauty of nature's masterful creations. On this trip, I visited the Underground Grand Canyon in Linyi, a place filled with mystery and surprises. Follow me and let's explore this enchanting land together! 🌟The Underground Grand Canyon is located in Yongfu Village on the West Second Ring Road in Yishui County, Linyi City, where you can find astonishing cave landscapes. Stepping into the cave is like entering a wondrous world. 🌳Inside the Underground Grand Canyon, there are more than 100 scenic spots including a river, nine springs, nine palaces, twelve waterfalls, and twelve gorges. One of the most famous attractions is the 'Nine Dragon Palace,' resembling a magnificent palace. Walking through the caves, one can feel a sense of grandeur and solemnity. I was deeply attracted by these ancient and mysterious structures. 🌊The Seabed Mantle, this attraction seems to transport me to a dreamy underwater world. The flowing lights make the entire cave appear even more mysterious and enchanting. The scenery here is so captivating that I feel as if I've arrived in a magical fantasy world. ✨Twin Towers Jade Lamp, the lights between the twin towers decorate the cave like a fairy tale. The light reflecting off the cave walls creates a mysterious and warm atmosphere. Looking at this beautiful scene, my mood becomes peaceful and fulfilled. 🚣‍♀️The most unforgettable experience for me was visiting the 'Underground River' in the Underground Grand Canyon. Sitting in a small boat, drifting slowly along the dark river, I felt the depth of the water and the tranquility of the cave. The colorful lights on the boat added a romantic and mysterious atmosphere to the journey, making me feel as if I were in a fantasy fairy tale. 💛The underground river rafting is thrilling and exciting, with ups and downs and mist on the sides. This 'Number One Underground River Rafting Cave in China' has been certified by the Shanghai Great World Guinness Headquarters as 'China's Longest Cave Rafting'. It would be a regret not to experience it. 🎈Visiting the Underground Grand Canyon, you can not only feel the power and magic of nature but also experience different beautiful scenery and excitement. This autumn, why not come to Linyi and explore this magical underground world together? Without leaving the urban area, you can find such a unique travel destination, which is truly a marvel of nature's craftsmanship. Practical Tips: 🔸There are three options for entering the cave: walking, taking a sightseeing car, or riding the 'Little Dragon'. It is recommended to try the 'Little Dragon' monorail electric slide car. It is said to be one of the longest eco-tourism projects in the country, not only saving energy and time but also allowing you to enjoy the thrill of speeding through the mountains. 🎫Information: 👉Underground Grand Canyon ticket: 98 yuan. 👉Little Dragon (small train): 30 yuan 👉Sightseeing car: 10 yuan 👉Underground river rafting: 60 yuan 👉Fantasy of the Earth's Core: 40 yuan 💫Travel to Linyi to discover the magical Underground Grand Canyon💫, and I had an unforgettable journey. In this beautiful autumn, come to Linyi with family and friends, get close to the Underground Grand Canyon, and you will surely leave with wonderful memories. Why not plan a trip to get close to nature and feel the charm of the natural world!
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Apr 9, 2024
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Underground Great Canyon

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