Paul W
9 Oktober 2023
Having stayed in apartments and hotels all over the world, welcome to my first ever negative review. First the positives. The apartments are in a good location, the pool is delightful and there's a play park for young children. We've owned a small apartment just metres away for 23 years. Unfortunately we had cause to ask reception for help after just 1 day and I have emails if evidence is needed. We booked a large 2 bed apartment for our daughter, husband and 2 baby daughters - both of whom have severe allergies, need a special diet and are required to carry epi pens in case of anaphylaxis. Quite simply the apartment was infested with ants - particularly in the food cupboard. Reception was shut when we first noticed the ants (evening of day 1) so we bought and used ant spray. We tried to open the windows at the back of the apartment to allow a through draft to clear the smell for our 1 year old and 3 year old before bed. We couldn't, the patio window lock was broken. Our daughter and the youngest baby had to leave the apartment to sleep on our floor that night. The engineer came to fix the window and spray the next day and explained the ants were in the pipes in the wall. He was very polite, did his best and apologised. We asked reception, for the sake of the babies, should the ants return, could we move to another apartment, even a smaller apartment costing less than we'd already paid for another 15 days. "No, all apartments are full". Hmmm. Several days later we had to throw away all our grandchildrens' specialist food in the cupboard for a second time as, despite buying and using daily the recommended 'breathable' (but nevertheless toxic to humans) ant spray, the apartment again had ants in the food cupboard and elsewhere. This time I was advised by reception to write to 'le Directeur' asking again that he move our daughter, husband and the babies to another apartment (any other apartment) and at least waive the cleaning charge on departure. His reply was both rude and incredibly sarcastic stating, amongst other things that it was "normal" to find ants in his apartments and that they were in any case "harmless". In effect his response was 'tough'. We have had to clean the apartment, and spray it (!) every single day - and finally clear it of ants on departure to avoid their 100 euro cleaning charge. I can assure 'le Directeur' it is NOT normal to have an ant infestation in a food cupboard! PS We have been sending friends to Mer et Golf (previously Maeve Apartments) for the last 23 years. No longer! There ends my first, and hopefully last, negative review. I have not enjoyed writing this. It's all been so unfortunate and a shame that it had to be directed at Mer et Golf, Argeles.