Building 17, Vanke Yuecheng, No.118 Baihua Avenue, Yunyan District, Guiyang, Guizhou, 550081, ChinaLihat Butiran Hotel
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Pengguna Tetamu
Bilik Cozy Katil Queen
Menginap pada Apr 2024
3 ulasan
Disiarkan pada 15 Mei 2024
Breakfast was good. There was good variety, in a bright and clean environment. The staff are super helpful with our enquiries regarding various matters. The metro is about 5 min walk away, not too difficult with pulling luggage. Also a bus stop right outside the hotel if you like to go around town by bus. There is washing machine and dryer for our use. The staff & manager were very helpful with our questions as well as me trying to contact Air China to change my return flight. We are very happy with the hotel & would definitely stay there again if we visit Guiyang in the future.
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Dear guest, we are glad to hear that you have had a pleasant stay here. I will definitely share your kind comments with our employees, especially those you mentioned. We have prepared various hot and cold dishes, vegetable salads, freshly baked bread, and local snacks in Guiyang as breakfast, as well as a cup of freshly brewed coffee to inject vitality into your new day. We sincerely invite you to visit again in the future. Wishing you a happy life! HIEX Chief Guest Officer
Pengguna Tetamu
Bilik Cozy Katil Queen
Menginap pada Sep 2023
4 ulasan
Disiarkan pada 14 Okt 2023
This is one of the good Holiday Inn express that I had experienced staying in. Reception was warm and very welcoming especially with one particular officer that I need to mentioned that made my stay there even more pleasant. 曾杰 is always smiling and going about greeting guests and tending to their needs. I’ll give a 5 Star rating for his great service. Location of hotel is quiet, not far from local street foods (walking distance) with a bus stop at front of hotel and also the hotel provides route slips at guest disposal. I’ll come back again for sure!
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Dear friends, welcome to Holiday Inn Express Guiyang Century City Mall. "Heart for the guests" is always the core soul of small wisdom service, no matter when you come, small wisdom always to your satisfaction for the highest service purpose, bring you home like warmth. Simple and warm hotel, no unnecessary tedious experience, to provide everything necessary for the journey, for you to rest, relax or have a little work. Whether it is business travel or leisure travel, a short stay or a long-term stay, I believe you will like here. Look forward to honoring your future. May you be successful.
Bilik Cozy Katil Queen
Menginap pada Jun 2023
7 ulasan
Disiarkan pada 15 Jul 2023
Room is spacious and clean, pretty new feeling! There is subway station nearby too. Checkin was a breeze and they called in advance to check out arrival timing, staff is friendly and smiling always.
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Spring has flowers and months in autumn, cool breeze in summer and snow in winter. Dear guests: thank you for your warm heart praise, simple words but one thousand jins, thank you very much for your support to our hotel oh, again gorgeous rhetoric is not as sure as you sincerely, clean, close enthusiasm service is our hotel basic self requirements, can get you and your family satisfaction, we will continue to work hard, more walk more far. At the same time, I am also very happy that our Chinese and western buffet breakfast can come to your appreciation. Our hotel site is superior, the subway is convenient, very convenient travel, the surrounding facilities are perfect, which is the best choice for travel and business trip. Looking forward to meeting with you again!
Handsome and Single
Bilik Cozy Katil Queen
Menginap pada Mei 2023
8 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Disiarkan pada 24 Jun 2023
I would say this particular Holiday Inn Express services had exceeded beyond my expectation. Whatever request you may have, the staff will go beyond their incredible ability to ensure your needs and requests are taken care of. Over and over again and Consistently. I attribute this to the Great tutelage under their impressive General Manager. I will highlight a few names to whom I am grateful for their outstanding assistance. Xiao Wang, Xiao Tian, Kevin, Jason, housekeeping, etc. I hope Holiday Inn Express will take notice of their names for recognition. Thank you and see you soon.
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Dear guests, Between people, There is a kind of fate; between heart and heart, there is a trust, when you choose small wisdom, is the trust to us. Little wisdom will go all out, not to let you down."Heart for the guests" is always the core soul of small wisdom service, no matter when you come, small wisdom always to your satisfaction for the highest service purpose, bring you home like warmth. Simple and warm hotel, no unnecessary tedious experience, to provide everything necessary for the journey, for you to rest, relax or have a little work. Whether it is business travel or leisure travel, a short stay or a long-term stay, I believe you will like here. Look forward to honoring your future. May you be successful.
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 【免費4寸彩色照片打印——記錄您在貴陽的美好時光】寶,看到您的好評我們開心到飛起!【智選自助中西結合早餐】3月8號的相遇就像一場奇妙冒險的開場,您這一連住兩晚,直接把這兒當成第二個家啦!小熊被您誇得尾巴都要翹到天上去咯她一直唸叨着要給每位家人超棒的入住體驗,可算沒辜負期待。 您誇酒店位置方便,房間乾淨整潔,我們心裏那叫一個美。早餐能讓您吃飽,這可是我們精心籌備的成果!悄悄説,我們大堂還有超多驚喜!免費抓娃娃,讓您體驗一把“抓神”的快樂;免費4寸照片打印,定格您的美好瞬間;現磨咖啡香氣四溢,免費自助花茶養生又好喝。 寶,下次來可一定要來大堂解鎖這些隱藏福利,我們已經迫不及待盼着您再次光臨啦!
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 【免費4寸彩色照片打印】太感謝您這麼細緻的好評啦!【免費現磨瑞幸咖啡】能得到您的認可,我們整個團隊都開心壞了!給大家準備歡迎飲品、現磨咖啡還有抓娃娃機,就是希望每位住客都能在這兒輕鬆又愉快,早餐能合您口味,我們也超滿足。打印照片衹是一點小便利,能幫到您就好!您下次有出行計劃,一定記得再找我們,我們隨時等您回家!
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 尊敬的客人,非常感謝您對酒店位置、早餐以及停車便利等方面的認可,您的肯定是我們繼續努力的動力。同時,我們也誠懇地接受您對服務提出的批評。此次員工在退房流程中的表現確實有失水準,我們已經深刻意識到問題所在,會立即加強全體員工在服務意識和溝通技巧方面的培訓,杜絕此類情況再次發生。我們致力於為每一位客人提供有温度、個性化的服務體驗,期待您下次入住時能看到我們的改變與進步,再次感謝您的反饋。Nan Cai 酒店總經理
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 【免費瑞幸現磨咖啡】親愛的客人,真的超級感謝您對我們智選酒店給出的超讚評價!看到您説入住體驗很棒,我們心裏別提多開心啦。小熊和小杜收到您的表揚,都樂開花啦,能為您升級房間、快速辦理入住,給您帶來便捷又温馨的開始,是他們最驕傲的事。 【自助現磨早餐】我們一直努力把服務做到最好,像大堂免費的自助打印、彩色照片打印,還有香醇的現磨咖啡,這些增值服務就是想給您滿滿的驚喜。您下次來,我們還準備了更多貼心小細節等您解鎖呢! 新的一年,祝您往後的每一次出行都順順利利,旅途裏處處都是美好風景,快樂常伴左右。智選酒店永遠是您温暖的家,盼着您再次光臨!
Pengguna Tetamu
Bilik Cozy Katil Queen
Menginap pada Jan 2025
3 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Disiarkan pada 27 Feb 2025
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 【機器人送物體驗】尊敬的客人,非常感謝您對我們酒店的高度評價!很高興小熊的熱情服務讓您印象深刻,快速為您辦理入住和房型升級是我們希望為您帶來的驚喜體驗。我們一直致力於打造舒適的環境和提供豐富的早餐,很開心能得到您的認可。期待您再次選擇我們,我們會繼續努力,給您帶來更多美好入住回憶!
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 尊敬的客人,非常感謝您的好評與支持!能夠快速解決您遇到的問題,為您提供滿意的服務,是我們應盡的職責。我們深知這些細節對於您的入住體驗至關重要,所以除了前台的免費照片打印機,讓您輕鬆留存貴州之行的美好記憶外,我們還為客人準備了多種貼心的增值服務,例如大堂吧自助免費24H瑞幸咖啡、出行提示和貴陽一日遊、貼心管家服務等,旨在全方位滿足您的需求,讓您在享受舒適住宿的同時,感受到家一般的温暖與關懷。我們會繼續努力,期待您的再次光臨,為您帶來更多的驚喜與感動!
Fashionable And Leisure King-size Bed Room With Projector
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 親愛的賓客,看到您的好評,滿心温暖!您對我們的稱讚是我們前行的最大動力。我們始終將服務品質視為酒店的生命線,小熊和小袁在得知孩子生病後的貼心關懷,衹是我們團隊用心服務的一個縮影,每一位員工都懷着熱忱之心,力求為客人營造家一般的温馨。房間的乾淨整潔是我們的基本功,我們會繼續保持對細節的嚴格把控,讓每一位入住的客人都能住得安心、舒心。酒店的選址也是我們精心考量的結果,交通便捷,希望能為您的出行節省更多時間和精力。豐富多樣的早餐,是我們為您開啟美好一天的心意,很高興能得到您的認可。再次感謝您的支持與信任,期待與您的再次相逢,我們會不斷努力,為您帶來更優質的入住體驗!
Fashionable And Leisure King-size Bed Room With Projector
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 感謝您一直以來的支持與信任,能成為您出行的固定選擇,我們倍感榮幸!房間的整潔、前台小杜的貼心服務,都源自我們對品質的執着追求。贈送的早餐與水果,是我們小小的心意,希望能為您的旅途增添温馨。期待您的下次光臨,我們一定準備更周到的服務,讓您的每一次入住都有回家的感覺!
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 尊敬的賓客您好,多謝您對小智的這份喜愛之情。小智始終竭盡全力的去提供完善的待客之道,我們很高興看到您對我們員工的稱讚。為賓客帶來温暖的居停體驗是酒店用心的方向。這裡有住家的可口的早餐,這裡有温馨如家的環境,乾淨明亮的餐廳,設備齊全的會議室,自助洗衣閣,自助商務區,還有那周到齊全的全天候服務,為您做好堅強的後盾支援。我們選址於貴陽市雲巖區百花大道118號,靠近酒店的地鐵2號線;交通十分的方便呢。歡迎您常來哦,祝您生活愉快!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 尊敬的客人您好,非常歡迎您入住貴陽世紀城購物中心智選假日酒店並分享寶貴的優質點評。酒店位於貴陽市雲巖區和觀山湖區的交界處,酒店裝潢極致簡約,現代風格更為賞心悦目。除了舒凈適意的睡床,酣暢淋漓的沐浴設施,高速網絡連接,豐盛可口的自助早餐外,更有便捷的洗衣閣,免費停車位等增值服務,性價比非常的高。酒店交通便利,位臨地鐵二號線百花大道D口,出門打車和公交都很方便,周邊有印象城,世紀金源購物中心,國貿等購物便捷。針對您反饋的黴味問題,因貴陽是梅雨季節,下雨以後空氣會比較潮濕,需要開空調或者開窗通風一下。期待與您的再次相遇,祝您旅途愉快,闔家歡!智選假日首席賓客官!
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 夏日炎炎,歡迎您來到爽爽的貴陽併入住貴陽世紀城購物中心智選假日酒店。酒店鄰近地鐵二號線百花大道D口,門口就是公交車站,交通便利,地址優越。酒店擁有各具特色的客房,佈局錯落有致,格調時尚,舒凈適意的睡床、軟硬雙枕,享受一整夜的好夢。秉持着用心服務每一位客人的理念,我們的每一位工作人員都付諸熱情。自助式的早餐更搭配了貴州特色麻辣土豆片、辣子雞、紅糖黃粑等,讓您在酒店也能品嚐當地特色美食。祝您生活愉快,智選假日首席賓客官!