Pengguna Tetamu
5 Julai 2023
"Independence" Day - July 4th 2023, I found myself staring into the by-gone era of the 1950's. Camera in hand, K9 by my side - Both of us, were thirsty for whatever may have come our way - Hands placed 10 & 2 on the wheel of the car, we made our way through the highways and byway, in the sweltering heat of the South West. It was then, we stumbled across the Holiday Motel and quite a sight to behold, it was. At first glance - Many may have turned away. But, not us - We felt compelled & welcomed, by this forlorn establishment. Perhaps it is my being an avid photog. why I found so many pleasures, as I peered through the lens creating the revitalization of this quaint 1950's, ground floor, row-run style, of rooms for let. Rooms, which were mostly sound-proof from the adjoining room. Afternoon temps were soaring, over 100*F - yet the air-conditioning unit of the room, blasted out coolness nearly on command, as I switched it on. The small icebox, also provided adequate chill to our meager groceries and plentiful supply of H2O. There were plenty of plush towels, two facial bars (most people bring their own personal toiletries - I know, I do). Being accustomed to daily, birdie bathes, I chose to stick with saving the water reserve of the desert and use only a face cloth and one towel for my toilette - Therefor, I am unsure of the water pressure for the shower. Although, I can say, the water temp, like the weather, was HOT and well received. The bed on which we lain, was your typical "hotel" variety, bed. Nothing to write home about. At home, my nightly bed consists of a baffled, soft-side water mattress (rarely does anything compare). Speaking of pillows; Naw, they were seriously flat. Generally, I bring my own anyway. So, nothing to worry my pretty lil head about there. There to be looked upon, as a necessity, in case you forgot yours. Later on that evening, there came an array of bombs bursting in mid air. Not only were they colorful fireworks, in which to behold - these luminescent lights in the night sky - also appeared similar in sound, to that of the blasts of a cannon, shots fired from a gun or of mortars spent in past (senseless) wars. This "Holiday Motel" - Was the ticket to our perfect paradise - We made the most of what was displayed before us. My pup fancied the maleness of it all, as he sniffed and watered his way along the yard. And I, well, I snapped off, my proverbial butt - Taking shots of the splendor of the past and imagine how it could become again, beautiful. Generally speaking, my yard/gardens/interior are continually under construction, moving this pot or that piece of furniture, weeding, renewing & replenishing - Think of the "Four-Seasons" or the "Cycle of Life". This is the process we can see at the Holiday Motel. Another individual, with a dream, perhaps a bit of hard earned, cash and the desire to fulfil that dream, chooses to build the empire imagined, one brick at a time. This Holiday Motel was my home away fr