WARNING: This place is NOTHING like the photos. It’s filthy, smelly, and just plain awful. Trash is littered everywhere (hallways, lobby, elevator, entrance hallway) and random boxes fill the common areas. People loiter around the lobby on messy dining tables just smoking and eating.
That’s just the common areas. My room was a complete dump, with stains all over the walls, a window that’s jammed and can’t shut completely (cigarette smoke from outside poured in all day), a toilet literally facing the street, and people stomping outside the hallways all day and night. Think I heard a couple arguing in a nearby room at 3am.
It’s absolutely egregious that this “hotel” is allowed to operate. My advice to all travelers: do NOT book this hotel. Spend 70rmb more to get a much better place.
Note: Trip.com was kind enough to refund me for 2 out of the 3 nights on my reservation.