
Grennan South Route, the brave get to enjoy the world first

Grennan South Route! The brave get to enjoy the world first‼️ I was moved to tears by the beauty of Grennan South Route!! A wedding dress from the sky🌸 Grennan's summer is an ocean of flowers! Compared to the Four Girls Mountain, Tagong Grassland, there are few people, and every casual shot is a painting🖼 It's absolutely amazing - Along this route, you can see forests under the snow-capped mountains🌲 Meadows covered with colorful flowers🌸 It's truly a visual feast - ✅Super photogenic check-in spots: 1⃣Near Nazha Gully, you can see mountains full of little yellow and white flowers and the emerald forests. . 2⃣The viewing wooden house in Xiaze Tong Village, which has a Swiss vibe, makes people think you've gone abroad when you share it on social media. . 3⃣Passing through the village, there's a viewing platform where you can see Mount Genie, but unfortunately, we went on rainy days and it was blocked by clouds, but the sight of flowers and cattle and sheep all over the mountains is also very healing. . 4⃣The Eye of Genie, it's a pity that we saw the Eye of Genie without water, but you can overlook the Naiqian Duo Village below and the small river flowing through the canyon, which is very beautiful. . 5⃣Ri Cha Tong, approaching this village, there is a large sea of flowers behind. . 6⃣Gemmu Village, with forests, meadows, wooden houses, and S-shaped highways, looks particularly fairy-tale and dreamy - 【Travel Sharing】 🚘【Western Sichuan + Grennan South Route 6-7 Days Itinerary】 D1: Chengdu—Honghaizi—Yuzixi—Xinduqiao D2: Xinduqiao—Sky Road Eighteen Bends—Litang—Qianhu Tibetan Village【Tibetan Costume Travel Photography】—Genie Town D3: Genie Town—Ze Ba Village—Genie Glacier Single Tree—Genie South Slope【Wild Hot Spring】—Xiaze Tong Village D4: Xiaze Tong—Eye of Genie—Xinleng Ancient Temple—Tiejiang Mountain Pass—Litang—Yajiang D5: Yajiang—Qingrao Sacred Mountain—Zheduo Mountain Pass—Chengdu (If you only have about 5 days, you can take this route, if you have more time, you can stay two more days at the places you like, the scenery is on the way~) - ✔Travel tips🔥 🌡Temperature: The altitude of the south route fluctuates between 2500-5000mm, with large weather changes, so bring good rain gear, thick coats, and sun protection. 🛣Road conditions: The road conditions in Genie are not good, you must have an off-road vehicle or four-wheel drive, remember to fill up on gas in Litang or Batang. 🚾Toilets: There are very few toilets along the way, so it is not recommended for sisters to go during their menstrual period. 🎐The Genie scenic area has started road construction, so it is recommended for self-driving tourists to go in the next few years, otherwise, if you go late, you will have to pay to take a sightseeing bus like at Four Girls Mountain. 🕹Protect the environment, it's really beautiful here, remember to take your trash with you. ⚠️This route has about twenty kilometers of dirt road, only friends with off-road vehicles and rich driving experience can go🉑, there are several dozen kilometers of uninhabited area with no signal on Provincial Highway 459, it is recommended to travel in pairs or more for better safety✅
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Apr 22, 2024
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