
Southern Wonderland: Fujian Lingtong Mountain Scenery

Attraction: Lingtong Mountain Scenic Area, Pinghe County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province Ticket: 20 yuan/person Parking: 10 yuan/vehicle Poem: A thousand-year-old temple, a waterfall of ten thousand years. The ancient temple hanging in the air on the cliff, The waterfall of a thousand meters like a beaded curtain, The first natural Buddha head image, Clouds rolling, The peaks of high mountains appear and disappear, Like a poem, like a painting. Self-driving navigation: Lingtong Mountain Scenic Area Qingyun Parking Lot. The car arrives at the ticket office of the scenic spot halfway up the mountain. After buying the ticket, the car continues to drive up to the Qingyun parking lot. Walk towards Lingtong Rock, pass Qingyun Temple, walk along the asphalt road for more than a kilometer and start climbing the steps. The whole journey takes about 1.5h to reach the hanging temple. The hanging temple is in Lingtong Rock, follow the sign to Lingtong Rock. Along the way, you can overlook from Tongtian Platform. Many mountain climbing enthusiasts go to Qingtian Peak from the fork in the road. There are also mountain climbing enthusiasts who go up the mountain to Lion Rock and Qingtian Peak from the Qingyun Hotel next to the parking lot. The weather was cloudy and clear that day, and the scene of clouds and mist added a bit of fairy air to it. The scene of the beaded curtain was a bit, not as obvious as after the rain, but still very fortunate to see the sea of clouds. This is indeed a resort that combines sightseeing, religious pilgrimage, mountain climbing, and summer recuperation.
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Posted: Feb 20, 2024
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Lingtong Mountain

4.7/5104 reviews | Waterfalls
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