Addison Nelson

The most beautiful ancient temple hidden on the cliff, Lingtong Mountain

Lingtong Temple▶️ An ancient temple built on a kilometer cliff. The temple is not very large, but the scenery on the mountain is very good, and the temple is very photogenic The scenery at the foot of the mountain is very spectacular on sunny days, there are pearl curtain waterfalls on rainy days, and if you are lucky, you can also see the sea of clouds☁️ You can only hike up the mountain, there is no cable car or sightseeing car, suitable for hiking enthusiasts Location: Qingyun Temple, Lingtong Mountain, Zhangzhou, Fujian (Pinghe County, Zhangzhou) Transportation: 🚗Self-driving (navigate to the parking lot of Lingtong Rock Scenic Area) 🚄Take a high-speed train to Yunxiao Station and take a taxi : I personally suggest that self-driving is more convenient to avoid not being able to get a taxi when going down the mountain. We drove from Xiamen, and the journey takes about 2 hours The parking spot is located halfway up the mountain. It takes about an hour to walk to the temple, about more than a thousand meters. The journey is not long but it is all uphill and stairs Charges: Parking🅿️: 10 yuan/car (unlimited time) Ticket🎫: 20 yuan/person Buy tickets first, and continue to drive up to the parking lot after buying the tickets Food: It is recommended to eat in the village near the foot of the mountain before climbing. If you want to eat on the mountain, you can bring instant noodles or dry food. There is free hot water on the mountain (don't bring too much, just replenish energy) Be sure to prepare water during the climbing process, don't carry too much, one bottle is enough, there is natural spring water on the roadside for drinking ⚠️Try to wear hiking shoes or running shoes, the steps are slippery, remember to take sun protection measures in summer, if necessary in summer, you can bring mosquito repellent spray, the mosquitoes on the mountain are very poisonous Incense: You can buy it at the foot of the mountain and bring it up. There are also many sold along the way into the scenic area, and there are also sold in the shops on the top of the mountain, But sometimes there are too many people and there is not enough incense to sell, and the choices provided are relatively few PS: You can prepare some coins in addition, there are many small stone holes on the wall next to the temple where you can make a wish by throwing coins. Each hole has a different meaning, and you can choose what you want to ask for (if you really don’t bring it, you can exchange it at the nearby store)
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Mar 27, 2024
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Lingtong Mountain

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