Terokai Ulasan Tetamu Hotel di Pentadbiran Red Sea

Steigenberger Aqua Magic, All Inclusive
4.4/562 Ulasan
كنت في زيارة لبيت الثاتي شتيجن الداو وهو واحد من الفنادق اللي اعتز بيها من مجموعة فنادق شتيجن في الغردقة، اقمت ٧ ايام مع اسرتي الكريمة. تم استقبالي من أسرة فندق شتيجن الداو على أحسن وجه وعلى رأسهم مستر حسن عبيد مدير الفندق ومستر داوود مدير الاستقبال وباقي أسرة شتيجن والجدير بالذكر مستر رجل في قمة الأحترام والأسلوب الحسن والمعاملة الطبية، مستر داوود التعاون وحسن الإستقبال والقلب الطيب، مستر سامي فرحات مدير الإشراف رجل في قمة الأحترام والتعاون والمساعدة في شتيجن. مستر مهدي المدير العام انسان ذو ابتسامة على وجه في جميع الأوقات، دائمآ مشارك في حل جميع المشاكل وحلها شكر خاص لجميع الشيفات المتواجدين في الفندق على رأسهم الشيف هشام والشيف محمد على جودة ومذاق الطعام وعلى التقديم الرائع للطعام. ولا أنسى مستر محمد درويش على ذوقه الرفيع مستر شادي مدير فندق شتيجن اكوا. مستر مجدي مدير في شتيجن بيور ومستر تامر وميسس ماندي لهم منا كل شكر وتقدير.
Jaz Makadi Oasis Resort
4.4/579 Ulasan
This was our first visit to Egypt. The Jaz Makadi Oasis Resort is set amid the most beautifully landscaped gardens, the gardens which are exquisite, are tendered to, by a group of hard working gardeners who take so much pride in their work. As a family group we had 3 rooms between us, they were clean, comfortable and spacious with had adequate storage, the friendly house keeping staff attended daily, there was always fresh towels for the beach as well as the bathroom. Fresh water was always supplied daily. We all enjoyed the buffet-style meals in restaurant, there was always a large variety of hot and cold dishes. It is fair to mention that it was difficult each day, at breakfast and dinner to find a table to accommodate our family to sit together, guests on arrival at the restaurant are left to sit anywhere and there were many couples who took tables meant for 6 people, we did raise this each day with restaurant staff. Most of the staff were extremely helpful to move tables for us, some seemed reluctant, because this happened at each meal time, this just took away a little from our full enjoyment. The poolside snack bar provides refreshments throughout the day, which is very good, in our opinion though the best snack bar was down at the beach, this served fabulous pizza, panini , burgers , fries etc. The staff down at the beach were fabulous always on hand to find you sun beds and wind breaks and move them to where you choose. A special mention of Tariq, he had the responsibility of cleaning the beach toilet facilities everyday, he was extremely hardworking and friendly. We spent much of our week at the beach, there are Coral Reefs near to the shore and we spent many hours snorkelling and looking at the hundreds of awesome fish species. We did experience a problem making a reservation for our a la carte dinner at our chosen restaurant. We made several attempts to book without success, in the end we were very unhappy and we had to involve the hotel manager, he did help us but we had to compromise to an early dinner at 6pm. You are only able to book your a la carte dinner, 48 hours prior and the restaurant’s, of which I think there are 7, are shared with 10 other hotels, hence at busy times you may be disappointed. The animation team were fabulous, in particular Tiger who worked very hard to ensure that we had opportunities to be included in activities. The evening entertainment was actually really good. Each evening it was great to sit and relax and we had the great pleasure in being looked after by the wonderful bar team , in particular Ali, what a great person, always friendly, professional and hardworking, credit to the Jaz group. We visited the Makadi Water Park which was such great fun, we had fabulous family time here, it’s about 10 minutes on the shuttle bus. Apart from the few little things I mentioned on the whole this is a fantastic hotel resort, we had such a brilliant holiday.
Jaz Soma Beach
4.7/576 Ulasan
حقيقى مش عارف أقول إيه ولا إيه عن مدى روعة هذا المنتجع ، بلا مبالغة أحلامك أوامر ،،، سافرت كتير جوة و برة مصر ،، مشفتش خدمة فندقية بالشكل دا خالص ، إنت بتطلب أى حاجة فى المطعم أو الغرفة أو أى مكان فى الفندق بتلاقى الحاجة بتتنفذ خلال ٥ دقايق بالكتير ،،، الناس بتقدم الحمة من الكبير للصغير بأبتسامة طالعة من القلب ،، حتى لو شافوك بتدور على حاجة يجروا عليك و يساعدوك بدون ما تطلب منهم ،،، الأكل فوق الوصف و من أجود و أغلى الاصناف ، مش أى أكل و السلام ،،، التنويع و النظافة و الشياكة فى أسلوب المعاملة ، الناس عايزة تشيلك من على الارض شيل ، و بيتعاملوا مع الزائر المصرى يمكن أفضل كمان من الأجنبى ،،، فريق الانيميشن نحلة بمعنى نحلة من أول اليوم لأخر دقيقة فى اليوم على البحر و البيسين و المسرح و الساحة الخارجية و ألعاب طول اليوم و اهتمام بالأطفال و أفكار متجددة كل يوم بقيادة منسى ،،، المطبخ و الأكل و على راسهم القائد و المايسترو أستاذ عبد الرحيم و الشيف المحترم الفنان مصطفى ،،، و من قبل ما نسافر الفندق بيتواصل معانا بالتليفون علشان يعرف طلباتنا و الغرف تبقى جاهزة قبل الوصول لاستقبالنا و الاستمتاع بكل شىء بدون تضييع دقيقة واحدة ،،، صدقونى اللى يروح سوليمار سوما باى مش هيبقى عايز يمشى بلا مبالغة ،،، هو الأفضل ولا وجه للمقارنة بينه و بين أى فندق تانى فى الغردقة أيآ كان إسمه ،،، انصحكم ب التجربة و هتلاقوا إن كل قرش دفعتوه فى الإقامة بتاخدوا بيه خدمة و أكتر كمان.
Zya Regina Resort and Aqua Park Hurghada
3.5/549 Ulasan
The Regina is a basic all inclusive hotel right in the centre of Hurghada. Easy walking distance to the Marina and bars, restaurants etc are right outside the front door. Majority of staff are friendly, tips get you better service (as in most places in Egypt). Samir who cleaned our bungalow was absolutely fantastic, every day he left something else in our room that helped us enjoy our stay. From a kettle (not typical to get in Egypt all inclusive) to hotel embroidered slippers and a wonderful smile every single day, I hope the management cherish him as he is simply brilliant. The bungalow was spacious enough but the shower was tiny, beds comfy, plenty of clean towels too. The food is basic and not to the standard I’ve had in other hotels in Hurghada but there was always something to have. The beer is poured in to small glasses from a bottle and all the spirits are local equivalents. If like me you need coffee early morning (before 7) then you’ll have to pay for it. They have a machine in a little cafe area and at the pool/beach bars but machine coffee is not available whilst breakfast is being served. Instead it’s provided in a huge urn and not very palatable. If you arrive before 3pm you’re not entitled to have lunch or dinner after 12 o’clock check out on your last day…they cut your band off when you check out. If you check in after 3pm then you can get a voucher from reception which allows you to have lunch. I’ve never had this at any other hotel in Egypt (this was my 18th visit) and adds to the basic feel of the hotel. If you’re looking for a cheap hotel to enjoy the ever present sunshine then the Regina could be for you.
Tiba Rose Plaza
4/58 Ulasan
小型のホテルですが、新しいホテルらしくきれいです。 近くのダイビングショップを利用するために宿泊したのですが、大満足。 清掃もきちんとしています。部屋は広くありませんが朝食付でこの価格はお得です。近所にはショッピングセンターもあり、コンビニのようなものもありました。 フロントの方も親切で色々と助けてくれました。 ツアーから戻り空腹だったのでホテルのレストランでパスタを食べましたが52エジプトポンドで美味しかったです。 時間がなくて入れませんでしたが、プールも水が冷たくなかったので入りたかったです。
Swiss Inn Resort Hurghada
4.2/547 Ulasan
Ekologi perkhidmatan am adalah baik, tetapi meja depan pada umumnya mempunyai sikap yang buruk. Saya telah menemui beberapa perkara dan menemui meja depan yang berbeza. Sikapnya sangat lemah. Cuma wifi lobby je free, so lobby free nak surf internet sebab data kami beli sendiri. Tidak mengapa jika tiada wifi di dalam bilik, tetapi isyarat di dalam bilik sangat, sangat lemah. Saya menyelam ke laut dan terdapat grid penuh 4g di tengah laut. Di dalam bilik, mesej WeChat sering dihantar selama dua minit dan ia masih berada dalam kalangan. Jika anda ingin mengalami seseorang Dunia yang tenang, selamat datang untuk hidup. Bercakap tentang menyelam, pusat menyelam di Hilton adalah sebuah lubang. Kami mengumpul wang untuk 5 terjunan, tetapi hanya mengatur 4 terjunan. Pada akhirnya, menyelam mendapati pelbagai alasan untuk tidak membawa kami, dan apabila kami mula membayar, kami mesti Untuk menyemak semula, kami mahukan Euro pada masa itu. Kami mahu membayar dalam dolar AS. Orang yang mengumpul wang itu berpura-pura membantu kami menyemak kadar pertukaran dan lebih memetik harga kepada kami. Nasib baik penduduk tempatan telah ditipu oleh penduduk tempatan sebelum ini. Selepas periksa, dia memberitahunya bahawa harganya salah, dan dia mengatakan bahawa dia telah mengiranya. Dan apabila menyelam pada hari pertama dua selam, masih ada 100-120bar sebelum bot naik, dan tidak ada sebab. Pada hari kedua, seorang lagi pemandu menyelam terus meminta kami membeli pakej bergambar daripada membuang telefon di tempat kejadian. Ia adalah pengalaman yang sangat buruk. Pantai persendirian hotel ini tidak begitu baik, airnya berlumpur, tiada apa yang dapat dilihat semasa snorkeling, dan tiada makhluk hidup. Kualiti air tidak sebaik pantai persendirian hotel di pusat bandar. Secebis makanan okey. Tetapi bir itu dicampur dengan air. Tidak akan menempah hotel ini lagi, dan tidak akan mengesyorkannya kepada sesiapa sahaja, yang akan menjadi bodoh.
Steigenberger Aldau Beach
4.6/595 Ulasan
Hotel ini sempurna, Landskap, kolam, makanan dan semuanya hebat Makanan ringan di kolam renang dan pantai sangat sesuai Kakitangannya sangat ramah Padang pasir terbaik di restoran oleh chef terbaik Ehab Sarhan Setiap hari anda mempunyai akses untuk restoran santapan lezat Mempunyai akses untuk taman aqua Pasukan dan pertunjukan animasi perlu lebih baik dan lebih lama
Pickalbatros Palace - Aqua Park Hurghada
4.2/546 Ulasan
It was a perfect experience for me. Me and my wife had fun so much. I strongly recommend Hotel Pick Albatros Resort Palace. Their services were awesome. There is only one serious issue I had. I wanted to join Orangerr Bay tour with my wife. Hotel Reception suggested me to work with Mr. Ayman Kady and Mr. Kady managed us a boat tour company called ”Ayaa”. I wanted to go diving but there was a misunderstanding. There was a one diving instructor guy of ”Ayaa” boat tour company. He was very rude towards guests. He was giving me attidude because of misunderstanding but also there were another couples who faced organisational issues of Ayaa as well. I asked him why he is giving attidude towards us and suddenly he started to shout at me and other 2 couples. He used many bad words against Germans and Deutschland. He mentioned that we have to act like according to his wishes because we are on his boat and in his country otherwise he would kill us diving insttuctor mentioned. Anyway I called Mr. Ayman Kady immediately when I was on the boat and thanks god there was internet connection eventhough it was too low and he called his boss and we changed boat tour immediately in diving break. Thanksfully he saved my day to be destroyed because my wife so scared and very unhappy. Eventhough It was nice experience but I do not suggest you to work ”Ayaa” boat tour company you can mentione that to Tour guide Me. Ayman Kady of Pick Albatros Resort Palace Hotel.
Titanic Beach - Families and Couples Only
4.5/542 Ulasan
Iberotel Casa Del Mar Resort
4.5/563 Ulasan
If I can rate this hotel more than 5 stars, I will do so. Those people are hospitality gurus, the way they treated me and my family made us all overwhelmingly happy. Every single detail was taken into consideration and exceeded my expectations. -Once in the restaurant my son was hesitant and in seconds the chef made him a special order that suits his taste. -Snacks and pizzas are so yummy. -The hotel is nice and cozy. -The views are relaxing. -Super clean Rooms, Pools and restaurants. -The main restaurant served seafood several times. However, It was never smelly and this is a plus. -Access was available to Jaz Casa Del Mar's lovely sandy beach. Words won't express my feelings when the hotel sent me a complimentary birthday cake on my birthday and another compliment was sent the next day (fruit platter, nuts and maccarons😋😋) Special thanks to reception team members (Mohamed for his close follow up on any issue, Ibrahim for his complement and Philopater for receiving us). Special Thanks to the pool bar men (Abd El Salam and Mina) they served delicious coctails 😉👌 -Special thanks to Ali Barakat in the Snacks bar -Special thanks to Ali & Hamdoun in the main restaurant. -Special thanks to Mohamed from the room service team. -Special thanks to Fares at the beach. -Special thanks to Sentido's team for making our vacation an unforgettable one. Will be back again soon ISA All the best...

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Maklumat Perjalanan Tempatan

Bilangan Hotel443
Bilangan Ulasan13,246
Harga Purata (Hari Bekerja)RM 810
Harga Purata (Hujung Minggu)RM 808