The room is nice and its space is great, the location is quite good since it can be reached by car but it is about 1.2 km walking to large water wheel. The staffs cannot communicate in English, the is one who can speak English a little bit. The cleanliness was our doubt, we saw dust under the bed from the day we checked in until the day we checked out. There is a bit of water in coffee cups, so I must wash them by myself before using. Furthermore after daily cleaning service, the coffee cups had not been left unwashed, we must wash them every time we need to use them. Almost all staffs at lobby smoked all the time, on the day we checked out while waiting for taxi, they arranged tea for us but we were irritated with cigarette smoke for half an hour continuously - very bad atmosphere. The free tea set is what we had to ask for and we haven't got discount voucher as advertised. The free transportation for 4 night-stay is only from or OR Railway station, OR only from OR to Airport. We thought we would got free pick up at railway station and free drop off at airport but the staff said we could choose only one. Finally, we chose free drop off at Airport, and pay 40 yuan for pick up at railway station which had been done. On the day we left the hotel to Airport, the staff appointed us 30 minutes earlier from the time we agreed with the reason of traffic jam. BUT the traffic is not bad, there is a highway out of the city to the Airport with a few cars. The free transportation they provided us was taxi which used the local road that's why the appointment time was rescheduled to be earlier. BAD EXPERIENCE! And I felt like a FOOL.