Sedang mencari hotel di Luang Prabang? Baca ulasan hotel dan pilih tawaran hotel terbaik untuk penginapan anda.

Pilihan Hotel Popular Kami

Kami bantu anda mencari hotel bajet atau mewah mengikut cita rasa anda di Luang Prabang!

Pilihan Hotel Luang Prabang Yang Menarik untuk Anda

Lihat pilihan hotel terbaik kami di Luang Prabang.


Cari Lebih Banyak Hotel

Perjalanan perniagaan

Cari Lebih Banyak Hotel

Termasuk Sarapan

Khoum Xieng Thong Boutique Villa
3.5/56 Ulasan

Khoum Xieng Thong Boutique Villa

Pusat Bandar Luang Prabang|1.37km dari pusat bandar
I attended the property on the afternoon of July 10 to check-in. I had booked the bungalow for 5 nights. I was advised by the owner that the bungalow was not available because the roof needed fixing. I stated that I had booked 3 weeks prior & he had ample opportunity to message me & advise me of this. He later changed his story & told me that his son was living in the bungalow. He then allocated me a lesser quality room for the same price. I complained & stated that it was not the room that I had booked. He then showed me another room, which I reluctantly accepted because I was tired & needed desperately to rest. Two hours later after unpacking my bag a knock came at the door & his son was there asking me to move rooms again. I refused. I made it clear to the owner before I took the 2nd room that I would not move again. I had already lugged my bag up a flight of stairs. I was tired after traveling and had not been allocated the room I booked. The son continued to harass me by beating on the door. I spoke with him again and stated that according to previous reviews the establishment had deceived other people by not giving them the room that they booked. I also indicated that his father had lied to me about the bungalow, initially stating that the roof needed fixing & then later saying the bungalow was occupied. Some reviews have noted that lesser quality rooms were dispensed & were not the rooms that people had booked. I made it clear that it was dishonest and deceitful to not give people the room that they booked & to allocate them to a lesser quality room for the same price. The attitude seemed to be will get what you are given regardless of what you may have booked. After being harassed & spoken to with total disrespect I packed my bag & left. It was hot & I had to carry my bag back down the stairs, find other accommodation & walk to transport. The entire episode left me extremely upset & out of pocket as I had to pay an additional taxi fare. I am 63 years old & I felt very threatened by the son's demanding & harassing behaviour. I have since been advised that the property noted me as a ”no show” & as a result I will be charged a $16USD fee. I refuse to pay this fee & needs to look very closely at the honesty of this property owner. By listing me as a no-show I have not been given the opportunity to write a review about this dishonest scam of a place, additionally, I note that as of today July 11, the establishment is no longer taking bookings via (I wonder why??)

Cari Lebih Banyak Hotel

Mesra keluarga

Maison Dalabua
4.7/546 Ulasan

Maison Dalabua

Pusat Bandar Luang Prabang|1.12km dari pusat bandar
本來這次老撾之行就完全是意外,磨丁雖有高樓大廈但人氣不足,在遠處青山碧空的映襯下,高樓反而顯出了一絲荒涼。高鐵一小時到琅勃拉邦的路上,一路青山也讓人不禁感歎,這個國家又不大,還有這麼多山,你確實也實在沒法指望它能發達成哪樣。 從火車站坐minivan過來,一路荒山野嶺人家,路邊有不少牛在悠閑地吃草,確實原生態,也確實可以看出這裏的不發達。 到了琅勃拉邦古城中心,不免覺得這確實是八九十年代的中國偏遠鄉鎮,即使是我這個還比較喜歡歷史文化遺產的人,都不免在心裏打上了問號,看似破敗落後的這裏,不要説高樓大廈,連公交車紅綠燈都沒有的地方,何以聚集了那麼多的奢華酒店? 下了車就被上來搭訕的突突車師傅拉到了他弟妹開的旅店(此處反面教材請勿學我),老闆人很好很友善,可惜既不會英語也不會中文,我倆得靠比劃或翻譯軟件交流。有花園的小房子,條件不太好也不太差,價格也便宜,摺合人民幣一百出頭一晚上。不過用的熱水器是電的,還不是儲水式的,感覺原理應該和熱得快差不多,不敢用,晚上就用涼水洗了洗。好在天熱,也不覺得水冰。 住了兩天發現這裏竟然沒有三頭插座,我又得用電腦,就換到了另一家風評挺好的四星酒店My Banlao。 從Myban Lao步行600米,是網上附近排名第一的Man de Laos餐廳,主打睡蓮景觀。來之前我在想睡蓮能美成哪樣,我一個從小在莫愁湖玄武湖看荷花看睡蓮長大的人,參觀過南京植物園、北京植物園、中科院西雙版納熱帶植物園和中國唯一被世界承認的熱帶雨林望天樹景區,雖然99.99%都不記得了,但想來睡蓮這種過於常見的花,也不至於讓人如何驚艷。 反正近,就來看看。門頭一如這座城市所有頂奢酒店的風格,平凡低調,毫不起眼,進來後,並不大的一片池子,映入眼簾,頓時在心裏發出了沒有見過世面的嚎叫:太美了太美了太美了!!! 就像《生活大爆炸》中,謝爾頓惹了艾米生氣,送了一個鑽石皇冠給她。艾米在打開盒子之前還在説,謝爾頓,你真是太天真了,你以為珠寶就…… 話沒説完,打開盒子拿出皇冠,頓時歡呼雀躍:“Tiara!Tiara! It’s my tiara! Put it on me! Put it on me!” 本來覺得來得不是時候,這個時候正值雨季,雲南的南臘河,老撾的湄公河,以及關西瀑布,都渾濁不堪,全是泥漿。可看到這一池盛放的睡蓮,又覺得,我來得太是時候了。 近處的睡蓮是明艷又不扎眼的粉色,做成衣服穿在人身上會顯得俗艷,而放在自然中卻是天衣無縫的美。遠處有粉白色的花,映襯對比,不覺單調。 池子雖不大,佈置得卻用心,簇簇花開得疏朗有致,留白點綴,更顯亭亭玉立的風姿,而不是擠擠挨挨,再絕美驚艷也擠成了庸庸碌碌。 墨綠色的蓮葉平鋪在水面上,疏處露出水面反映出天空與棕櫚的倒影,密處擠在盛放的花朵下,像魚兒躍出水面一樣層層疊疊,富有層次。另一種葉色嫩綠的水生植物與蓮葉的深色對比,淺淺深深,如詩如畫。 岸邊種植的,也不是什麼特別的植物,蝴蝶蘭、美人蕉、棕櫚,用最常見的植物構造出了震懾人心的美景。正如做菜,山珍海味做得美味不稀奇,最難在用青菜豆腐等家常食材,做出令人稱道的味道。 所以黃蓉給洪七公做“二十四橋明月夜”,用蘭花拂穴手把豆腐削成二十四個小球,在上等金華火腿上挖二十四個相同大小的圓洞,烹製後衹留下豆腐,火腿卻棄去不用,才得洪七公連連稱讚。 長這麼大,也吃過住過一些好的酒店餐廳,但除去一些有特色的,過後往往也沒有留下多少特別的印象。這家美麗精緻的小餐廳,直接上升到我心中的Top 1. 點了老撾特色烤腸和烤雞,店員推薦的Virgin Mojoto,一個人消費約180元,沒有特別高,也吃飽了。 之前看到別人説,琅勃拉邦是一座讓人來過還想來的城市,不免覺得有點誇張,城市不大,中心區域一會兒就走完了,有多少人真正對其歷史文化感興趣呢?何況寺廟看多了也會覺得差不多。 還沒有住過這裏的頂奢和五星,不過這家美到讓我震撼一眼萬年的餐廳,讓我立刻決定,要來住一下。 我來吃飯吃得太是時候,從進門被美到,到吃完飯走人,短短一個多小時,睡蓮已經合得差不多了。 第二天下午我先過來看了下房間,工作人員挺熱情地給我介紹了優惠政策,帶我參觀了一下。房間對着小蓮池,但這些睡蓮大爺們已經盡數合上了,連一些紅色也不露,放眼望去荷塘已經平平無奇,難怪網上有人説覺得沒有那麼美。 但我還是想再看看把我美得五迷三道靈魂出竅不要不要的現實版莫奈睡蓮花園,本來以為可以坐在窗口看一下午睡蓮的夢碎了,就去游泳去了。 晚上21:38,睡前在陽台往小池塘望了望,漆黑一片,想着出來看看吧,不意見到白天還合著的睡蓮竟全數綻放。 驚艷到讓人無法呼吸。 不是這些睡蓮大爺們怎麼開得這麼隨意啊!不是説睡蓮晚上要睡覺的麼! 剛説著衹恐夜深花睡去,故燒高燭照紅粧呢! 發出了滿意的嚎叫,太美了太美了太美了!!! 這錢花得太值了!!! 旋轉跳躍~還好睡前出來蹓了蹓。 出來才拍了十分鐘,正感歎着此生此夜不長好,我可以在這兒呆一宿時,22:00,酒店把燈滅了😭😭😭 或許這就是緣分吧,我等凡人何德何能,得以瞻仰仙姿。 相逢已屬不易,美好總是短暫。絕色衹許過客一瞥,驚鴻見過已是足夠。 今日中元,還恰逢超級月亮,皎潔清麗,晴暉五彩,美不勝收。如此月色,雲影無痕處仍可見繁星點點,璀璨熠麗。 我有明珠一顆,照見紅蓮百朵,覺得這一生這一夜遇見的絕色,上下五千年,古今中外,有多少閑情絕麗堪與之匹敵的呢。 值了值了。 打小在莫愁湖畔長大,夏日記憶裏總有玄武湖濃郁荷香與清麗身影的我,來就餐前還以為,睡蓮如此常見,縱然美,能美成哪樣。 天地之大之美總是要給我狹隘的眼界以暴擊。 要給它打五百顆星的滿意!!! 囉哩囉嗦地寫了這麼多,實在是過於滿意,是我生命中最美的回憶了。 希望以後還有機會可以再來。

Cari Lebih Banyak Hotel

Hotel Berhampiran Tarikan Popular di Luang Prabang

Lihat hotel berhampiran tempat menarik yang popular di Luang Prabang

Old Quarter Luang Prabang

Villa Mahasok Hotel
4.2/536 Ulasan

Villa Mahasok Hotel

Luang Prabang|0.17km dari Old Quarter Luang Prabang
I've been dreaming of coming to Laos ever since and finally it has come to fruition last Dec 2022 when we had the chance to visit this charming place in particular - Luang Prabang, a UNESCO World Heritage site and was the former Royal Capital of Laos. With its charming and unique blend of Laotian and French culture and an abundance of natural resources surrounding the city nothing could get better than this. Located on a peninsula between Mekong and Nam Khan river about 1000 m high, it has a cool and pleasant climate especially during the Winter months. And indeed we made the right decision by finally visiting this place. Upon checking which hotel to book there are so many options and locations to choose from - Riverside, Old Town, and Town Center. There were also plenty of affordable hotels to choose from which have Excellent reviews. Affordability is our next criteria when picking the place and luckily there is an offer that day in Agoda for Villa Mahasok which will only cost us 40 SGD per night with breakfast for a Superior room with King bed and Tub. Not to mention, this is just one of the 3 star hotels in town which offers a pool - a draw for us. So we booked it right away and lucky that we did it. As laid back and relaxing it could get Villa Mahasok is the perfect place to stay if you would like to experience a truly authentic Laotian experience. Located at the Town Center, it is 600 m away or about 10 mins walk from Luang Prabang Night Market and the Mekong River but we didn't mind walking around town because it's so charming, beautiful, relaxing and a very pleasant weather really completes the package. There is a never a spot in town where something or someone will surprise you especially for first timers like us. The town. First thing we observed upon entering the hotel lobby is to remove your footwear. There is a shoe compartment on the right side of the hotel entrance. Check-in is simple and easy, they just took my passport, scanned and off we go. The staff assisted us in carrying our bags and we passed through their idyllic open-air courtyard where the lap pool and pool sun loungers are located. There are outdoor seats and tables located at this spot as well ideal for having coffee, beer, reading and just chilling out. At the other side of the pool area there is a short stair made of red tiles which leads you to a couple of elevated rooms located out here facing the garden with a huge and lovely Lotus pond filled with Lotus, Water Lilies and lots of different plants and flower river species in a dazzling show of Green, Pink and White colours. There is also an open-air hammock with cushions for relaxing and resting on the other end of the pond. At the right side of the pond is the dining area where breakfast buffet is served. We booked a Superior Double room with Tub facing the garden from the 2nd floor. After the staff ushered us in he came back to give us a welcome drink of sweet and refreshing Dragon fruit juice which were reall

Lihat lagi

Mount Phousi

Luangprabang d'or Boutique Hotel
4.3/55 Ulasan

Luangprabang d'or Boutique Hotel

Pusat Bandar Luang Prabang|0.15km dari Mount Phousi
對這家酒店評價較少,我住了一週,給大家介紹全面一些。首先酒店位置非常不錯,在湄公河與南康河之間,前後有王宮和香通寺等主要景點。房屋結構還好,不知是不是這裏普遍行規,酒店並不像國內那樣,花裏胡哨分好多種房型,即使房型有差異定價不會有差異。房間裝飾比較清爽,客房面積比較緊湊,衞生狀況不錯,但是房間使用的牙刷手紙等消耗品質量比較低質。淋浴熱熱水沒問題,可是水盆是沒有熱水的,不知其它酒店怎樣。工作人員態度還好,個別女員工見客人不打招呼繼續看手機,看來缺少培訓。前臺中文交流不行,藉助翻譯機勉強應對,還好住酒店需交流的也不多。早餐無功無過,每天都一樣。我住的前兩天同樓層住着中國家庭帶着孩子,太鬧騰門也關得老響,這個怪酒店有點勉強,順便提醒一下遊客也應注意自身形象,共同維護公共場合安靜。後兩天不知當地有什麼活動,到午夜才安靜下來。 總體而言,琅勃拉邦入住老城區都是老房子民宿為主,這家酒店的地理位置優勢及基本設施都還算可以的,所以生意還是不錯。附近其他民宿也比較多,我從琅勃拉邦回程去火車站的巴士票是從其他民宿定的,5萬基普一人,比較實惠,而這家酒店聯繫的是包車要價30萬基普。我的感覺從綜合性價比來説衹能算是一般吧。供大家參考吧。

Lihat lagi

Sisavangvong Road

Luangprabang d'or Boutique Hotel
4.3/55 Ulasan

Luangprabang d'or Boutique Hotel

Pusat Bandar Luang Prabang
對這家酒店評價較少,我住了一週,給大家介紹全面一些。首先酒店位置非常不錯,在湄公河與南康河之間,前後有王宮和香通寺等主要景點。房屋結構還好,不知是不是這裏普遍行規,酒店並不像國內那樣,花裏胡哨分好多種房型,即使房型有差異定價不會有差異。房間裝飾比較清爽,客房面積比較緊湊,衞生狀況不錯,但是房間使用的牙刷手紙等消耗品質量比較低質。淋浴熱熱水沒問題,可是水盆是沒有熱水的,不知其它酒店怎樣。工作人員態度還好,個別女員工見客人不打招呼繼續看手機,看來缺少培訓。前臺中文交流不行,藉助翻譯機勉強應對,還好住酒店需交流的也不多。早餐無功無過,每天都一樣。我住的前兩天同樓層住着中國家庭帶着孩子,太鬧騰門也關得老響,這個怪酒店有點勉強,順便提醒一下遊客也應注意自身形象,共同維護公共場合安靜。後兩天不知當地有什麼活動,到午夜才安靜下來。 總體而言,琅勃拉邦入住老城區都是老房子民宿為主,這家酒店的地理位置優勢及基本設施都還算可以的,所以生意還是不錯。附近其他民宿也比較多,我從琅勃拉邦回程去火車站的巴士票是從其他民宿定的,5萬基普一人,比較實惠,而這家酒店聯繫的是包車要價30萬基普。我的感覺從綜合性價比來説衹能算是一般吧。供大家參考吧。

Lihat lagi

Morning Alm

Lihat lagi

Lihat Ulasan Tetamu untuk Hotel di Luang Prabang

Ingin menempah hotel di Luang Prabang? Lihat ulasan daripada pelancong sebenar untuk pilihan hotel terbaik.
Villa Wanika
4.1/57 Ulasan
Pusat Bandar
50대 혼여행자입니다. 라오스 호텔의 대부분이 소규모로 운영됩니다. 직원분들은 엄청 친절합니다. 꽝시폭포 조인밴 예약 100,000만킵 오토바이 새거 하루렌탈 250,000킵 호텔에서 예약했습니다. 이 호털은 반지하가 있어 싼방 예약시 반지하에 배장될 확률이 높아 보입니다. 호텔앞 테이블에서 멍때리기에도 감성이 있어 보입니다. 조식은 일반빵이랑 커피입니다. 위치적으로 좋아 근처 가게도 많고 메콩강이랑 가깝고(걸어서1분) 몽족아히장도 가깝습니다.(걸어서 5분) 가까운 곳 미니소도 있지만 물건이 별로 없습니다. 미니소 약국 옆에서 썬크림이랑 밴드를 구입했습니다. 호텔에서 환전은 안됩니다. 한국사람 기준으로 방이 그렇게 청결하지는 않습니다. 직원들의 친절함으로 일부 불만은 덮어집니다.^^ 유럽쪽 여행객들이 많이 묵는것 같습니다. 대체로 가격 대비 만족합니다.
Luang Prabang Residence (The Boutique Villa)
3.9/56 Ulasan
Pusat Bandar
The staff are wonderful. It is located one step away from the main street of Luang Prabang, and is in a very good location. The facilities are well-equipped, and the staff are attentive and take care of any inconveniences caused by the location of Luang Prabang. I stayed for 5 nights instead of 4, and the hotel staff took care of everything, including organizing tours around the area and arranging trains to my next destination. They also sell SIM cards, and even when I had trouble connecting, they kindly responded and solved the problem. If you come to Luang Prabang, we recommend this accommodation.
Jing Land Hotel Luangprabang
3.9/515 Ulasan
Pusat Bandar
The Namkhan
5/54 Ulasan
入住這家度假村是老撾行程的最後一站,度過了非常難忘的兩晚,相比鎮上的酒店我們更喜歡這裏。房間設備:我們住的是河邊的帳篷,要注意進出拉好拉鍊防蚊,除了牙刷要向前台要。沒有電話,一切聯繫依靠度假村自己的app,其它設施齊全。 活動體驗:入住期間付費體驗了皮划艇、落日遊船和按摩。皮划艇的感受非常棒,嚮導很專業沿途風景優美,總共兩小時,價格是25$/人(不含服務費);落日遊船是一個長尾小船,衹有嚮導和船伕,沒有其它遊客,沿途景色安靜秀麗,大概45分鐘,18$/人,含一杯雞尾酒。我們也體驗了湄公河邊42$/人的船,相較之下,算是各有特色。 餐飲:蔬菜都是自己養殖的,價格合理,味道很不錯,西式和地方菜系都超出預期。 出行:度假村靠近機場,離鎮上十幾分鍾車程,離火車站20分鐘車程,有免費的tutu車接送,班次不算多,也有摩託可以租(當然價格比鎮上高不少)。 總之,下次若再來琅勃拉邦,依然會選擇這裏。
Heuangpaseuth Hotel
4.2/510 Ulasan
Surprisingly large hotel. Clean, spacious and comfortable rooms with all the amenities you'd expect. I booked and arrived late but no problems checking in. A little way out of the old town but still within walking distance. Also good access to supermarkets and the airport. Very good value accommodation for Luang Prabang.
Mylaohome Hotel & Spa
4.1/56 Ulasan
Pusat Bandar
The hotel is located only 100m from night market (walking street). It is also in walking and biking distance to historic and tourist places. The room was clean. The staffs were very freindly and helpful.

Soalan yang Kerap Ditanya

Maklumat Perjalanan Setempat

Harga TertinggiRM 2,904
Harga TerendahRM 38
Bilangan Ulasan4,782
Bilangan Hotel771
Harga Purata (Hari Bekerja)RM 419
Harga Purata (Hujung Minggu)RM 422