Terokai Ulasan Tetamu Hotel di Xinjiang

Qingfeng Geya Guesthouse
4.8/544 Ulasan
Quel accueil !!!! Cette guest house est exceptionnelle. En plein cœur de la vieille ville, cette maison traditionnelle offre tout le confort rêvé pour les voyageurs. Propriétaire aux petits soins...nous n avons jamais été reçus de la sorte. C'est touchant. Wifi top. Excellente adresse. Nous recommandons vivement.
Return Inn (Kashgar Ancient City Branch)
4.5/5243 Ulasan
Great location,on a busy street close to everything. Since cars are not allowed in old town, this hotel is not too far inside old town, a taxi can drop you off and take only a 5 minute walk to the hotel. Hotel is very clean, the owner even gave me a free tour of the area, like The 100 year old tea store, where a free show is performed with camels and dancers, the 柱子街,油画街,彩虹🌈巷.I would definitely come back as a (归来客)the next time I am in kashgar (喀什). She knows about the area very well,just ask her like the 1 reminbi bus ride (the number 20yellow bus only)to 香妃园
Holiday Inn Altay Golden Bridge
4.8/5552 Ulasan
The Holiday Inn Altay Golden Bridge provided a truly remarkable stay during my recent trip. From the moment I arrived, the staff greeted me with warm and genuine hospitality, making me feel right at home. The hotel's location was convenient, offering easy access to various attractions and amenities in the area. The rooms were beautifully designed, spacious, and furnished with modern amenities that ensured a comfortable and enjoyable stay. The attention to detail in the room's decor, cleanliness, and comfort truly exceeded my expectations. I appreciated the well-appointed bathroom and the plush bedding that guaranteed a restful night's sleep. The onsite dining options were exceptional, offering a wide range of delectable dishes that catered to various tastes. The talented chefs showcased their culinary expertise, providing a delightful gastronomic experience for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The attentive and friendly staff added to the overall dining experience, making every meal a memorable one. The hotel's facilities were also top-notch. The fitness center was well-equipped, allowing me to continue with my workout routine even while traveling. Additionally, the meeting and event spaces were impressive, providing ample room and excellent services for a successful business gathering. What truly set the Holiday Inn Altay Golden Bridge apart was the exceptional level of service provided by the staff. From the front desk to the housekeeping team, everyone was professional, attentive, and genuinely cared about making my stay as enjoyable as possible. They promptly addressed any requests or inquiries I had, ensuring that I felt valued and well taken care of throughout my visit. Overall, my time at the Holiday Inn Altay Golden Bridge surpassed my expectations. It blended comfort, convenience, and exceptional service to create an unforgettable experience. Whether traveling for business or leisure, I would highly recommend this hotel as a top choice in Altay.
Pujing International Hotel
4.4/5191 Ulasan
酒店的服務堪稱一流。從前台的熱情接待開始,你就能感受到他們的專業與友善。辦理入住手續快速高效,工作人員始終面帶微笑,耐心解答各種問題。在整個住宿期間,無論遇到任何需求,他們都能迅速響應並盡力滿足。 總之,這家酒店給我留下了非常深刻的印象,是我出行住宿的絕佳選擇。
Lavande Hotel (Turfan Grand Cross)
4.5/5471 Ulasan
Excellent location. Right outside the main square. Staff was helpful and friendly. My room was upgraded to a window room. Thankfully as the aircon for some reason stopped working but I’m sure it’s just a glitch which can be fixed. I would stay there again and would recommend to others.
Grand Mercure Urumqi Hualing
4.5/51934 Ulasan
This was an excellent hotel with superb services. The staff, in particular was very helpful in arranging drives to various interesting sites. The lady called Sophia spoke excellent English which made life easy for foreigners. The only thing I would recommend is that they make an effort to clean the carpets more thoroughly.
Holiday Inn Express (Urumqi Railway Station)
4.5/5946 Ulasan
Urumqi High Speed Railway Station
Receptionist 达娜 is so compassionate and efficient - she is my memory of Urumuji Upon arrival i found my Alipay was not functioning well and could not pay the taxi fare. and it was 达娜 who has helped me out by paying for me - an old lady in my 70s - first. I reimbursed her later. This is most unforgettable and i would like to thank her profusely.
Silk Road Pearl Hotel
4.5/5134 Ulasan
Ruby Elegant Hotel (Youyi Road Meimei MM2 Shopping Center Branch)
4.6/51999 Ulasan
Youhao Road Commercial Zone
在繁忙的都市生活與長途旅行的疲憊交織中,一家好的酒店不僅是歇腳的驛站,更是心靈的避風港。此次出行,紅寶石雅緻酒店這段經歷,宛如一首優美的樂章,每一個音符都跳動着無與倫比的舒適與愜意,值得我用心去書寫,用最真摯的情感去讚美。踏入酒店大堂的瞬間,一種典雅大氣的氛圍撲面而來。挑高的天花板上,華麗的水晶吊燈灑下柔和的光芒,映照在光潔如鏡的大理石地面上,熠熠生輝。大堂的休息區擺放着一組組舒適的沙發和茶几,其款式簡約而不失時尚,配色優雅且盡顯品味,讓人不禁想坐下來,舒緩旅途的疲憊。周邊的綠植鬱鬱葱葱,為整個空間增添了一抹生機與活力,彷彿在喧囂的塵世中開闢出一片寧靜的綠洲。 酒店的前台服務人員猶如一羣熱情的天使,用他們真誠的微笑和專業的素養迎接每一位賓客。辦理入住手續時,他們的動作迅速而有條不紊,每一個細節都處理得恰到好處。不僅耐心地解答我關於酒店設施和周邊景點的各種問題,還貼心地為我提供了一些個性化的建議,讓我感受到了無微不至的關懷。我所入住的房間,更是給了我一個大大的驚喜。房門緩緩打開,首先映入眼簾的是寬敞明亮的空間,裝修風格獨具匠心,將現代簡約與温馨舒適完美融合。牆壁上掛着幾幅精美的藝術畫作,為房間增添了一份文化底藴和藝術氣息。一張超大的豪華床鋪在房間中央,床墊的軟硬度適中,彷彿是為我量身定製一般,躺在上面,身體的每一個部位都能得到恰到好處的支撐,一天的疲勞瞬間消散。床上用品的品質上乘,純棉的材質柔軟親膚,床單平整光滑,被子輕盈保暖,被罩和枕套上散發著淡淡的薰衣草香氣,這種獨特的香味讓人聞之心曠神怡,彷彿置身於一片寧靜的薰衣草花海之中,極易進入甜美的夢鄉。房間的窗户設計也十分精妙,大大的落地窗幾乎佔據了整面牆,拉開窗簾,充足的自然光線傾瀉而入,將整個房間照得通亮。站在窗前,城市或自然的美景盡收眼底,或車水馬龍的繁華街道,或綠意盎然的園林景觀,讓人在房間內就能感受到外界的魅力與活力。窗户的隔音效果極佳,即使外面是熱鬧非凡的世界,一旦關上窗户,房間內便立刻安靜下來,為我營造出一個靜謐的私人空間房間內的設施一應俱全,且每一件都彰顯着高品質。書桌寬敞而整潔,配備了舒適的座椅和明亮的枱燈,方便我處理一些工作事務或閲讀書籍。旁邊的衣櫃設計合理,內部空間寬敞,不僅可以掛放衣物,還設有多個抽屜和隔板,用於存放各種物品。衣櫃內還貼心地準備了熨斗、熨衣板和備用的衣架,滿足了我在不同場合的着裝需求。電視掛在牆壁上,尺寸恰到好處,屏幕清晰,頻道豐富,無論是觀看新聞、體育賽事還是電影娛樂節目,都能帶來絕佳的視覺體驗。空調的製冷制熱效果非常出色,且運行時噪音極低,我可以根據自己的需求輕鬆調節室內温度,始終保持在一個舒適宜人的環境中。房間內還設有迷你吧,裏面擺滿了各種飲料和零食,價格合理公道,為我在閑暇時光提供了一份愜意的享受衞生間的設計同樣令人眼前一亮。乾濕分離的佈局合理,淋浴區寬敞明亮,花灑的出水均勻而強勁,水温調節方便快捷,熱水供應充足穩定,讓我在沐浴時能夠盡情享受舒適的水流按摩。浴缸的大小適中,深度恰到好處,泡澡時可以將整個身體完全放鬆地浸泡其中,旁邊還擺放着精美的洗浴用品,其香味清新宜人,質地温和細膩,不僅能有效清潔皮膚,還能滋潤肌膚,給人帶來一種奢華的沐浴體驗。洗手枱採用了高檔的大理石材質,枱面光滑平整,易於清潔。台上擺放着精緻的洗漱用品,包括牙刷、牙膏、梳子、刮鬍刀等,每一件都品質優良,盡顯酒店的用心。馬桶是智能感應式的,具有多種功能,如自動沖洗、加熱座圈、暖風烘乾等,使用起來非常方便舒適,為我帶來了前所未有的便捷體驗。衞生間內還設有通風系統,能夠及時排除異味,保持空氣清新。酒店的餐飲服務更是一場味蕾的盛宴。早餐的種類豐富多樣,涵蓋了中西式美食的精華。麪包區擺放着各種新鮮出爐的麪包、糕點和鬆餅,散發著誘人的香氣,口感鬆軟香甜。熱菜區有熱氣騰騰的粥、粉、麪、飯,以及各種炒菜、燉菜和煎蛋、培根等,食材新鮮,烹飪精細,味道鮮美可口。水果區的水果種類繁多,色澤鮮艷,都是當季的新鮮水果,清甜多汁。此外,還有酸奶、果汁、咖啡、茶等飲品可供選擇,滿足了不同客人的口味需求。餐廳的環境優雅舒適,裝修風格與酒店整體相得益彰。桌椅擺放整齊有序,間距合理,用餐時不會感到擁擠。服務員會及時清理桌面,保持餐廳的整潔衞生。他們的服務態度熱情周到,會主動詢問客人的需求,為客人提供貼心的服務,如幫忙添加飲品、推薦菜品等,讓人在享受美食的同時,也能感受到家一般的温暖。酒店的休閑娛樂設施也十分完善,為客人提供了豐富多彩的休閑選擇。健身房內配備了先進的健身器材,無論是有氧運動還是力量訓練,都能滿足客人的需求。器材的種類繁多,且維護保養得很好,使用起來非常順暢。享受陽光的沐浴或閲讀一本好書,度過一段悠閑的時光。對於商務客人來説,酒店的商務中心設施完備,提供打印、複印、傳真、郵件收發等服務,會議室寬敞明亮,裝修豪華,配備了先進的音響設備、投影儀等會議設施,能夠滿足各種商務會議、培訓講座、團隊活動等需求。酒店的工作人員還會協助客人安排會議議程、提供茶歇服務等,確保每一場活動都能順利進行。酒店的地理位置優越,周邊交通便利,距離地鐵站、公交站僅有幾步之遙,方便客人前往城市的各個景點和商業中心。附近還有許多知名的餐廳、購物中心和娛樂場所,無論是品嚐當地美食、購物消費還是休閑娛樂,都非常便捷。對於遊客來説,這無疑是一個極大的優勢,可以充分利用時間,盡情享受旅行的樂趣。在我入住期間,酒店還提供了一些貼心的個性化服務,讓我感受到了與眾不同的關懷。這種關注細節、用心服務的態度,真正讓我體會到了什麼叫做賓至如歸。此次在紅寶石雅緻的入住體驗,無疑是我旅途中最難忘的一段回憶。從酒店的整體環境、房間設施、餐飲服務、休閑娛樂設施,到每一位工作人員的熱情服務,每一個環節都做到了極致。它不僅僅是一家酒店,更是一個能讓心靈得到慰藉、讓疲憊得到舒緩的温馨家園。我由衷地感謝酒店的每一位工作人員,是他們的辛勤付出和努力,才為客人創造瞭如此卓越的入住體驗。我相信,任何一位選擇入紅寶石雅緻酒店的客人,都會被它的魅力所折服,都會在這裏度過一段美好的時光。我期待着下一次的旅行,還能再次入住這家酒店,續寫這份美好的緣分。前台的服務特別棒 特別是小蘇和小葉
Urumqi Hengyu International Hotel (Dehui Wanda Plaza Changjiang Road)
4.7/51517 Ulasan
Urumqi Railway Station
First things first, this is clearly a knock-off ‘Hampton by Hilton’ - branding the same, room design the same, and to be fair they’ve done a decent job of it. Room was modern, spacious and clean. Unfortunately, that’s about as positive as I can be about my stay. The location is fine, albeit not many good local restaurants or sights within walking distance, you’ll need to get a taxi. Service at front desk was inattentive and unprofessional. When I tried to use the phone in the room to call front desk and/or housekeeping, the line automatically disconnected. The worst aspect of my stay was the “smart” aspects of the room. Firstly, the aircon does not work. It was 34/35 degrees throughout my stay and despite putting the aircon on 16 degrees with maximum fans, the temperature in the room barely dropped below 27/28 degrees all night. Bring your own fan! The “smart” controls meant that all the lights in the bathroom came on as soon as you moved, which is not what you want in the middle of the night. Equally, the control panel was blinking constantly, right next to the bed, which was very annoying if that kind of thing affects your sleep (it does mine). Worst of all was the TV that simply would not turn off, and was incredibly bright, right in front of the bed. I ended up having to dismount the TV from the wall and completely unplugging it just to get the room semi-dark. Incredibly annoying. If you want a dark room, with a comfortable temperature, this is not the place for you… Its a shame, because the hotel has potential, but as it is I can’t recommend it given these fairly fundamental issues.

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Maklumat Perjalanan Tempatan

Bilangan Hotel14,015
Bilangan Ulasan1,688,253
Harga Purata (Hari Bekerja)RM 214
Harga Purata (Hujung Minggu)RM 214