Terokai Ulasan Tetamu Hotel di Sichuan

Emeishan Fanxing Mountain House (Huangwan Visitor Center)
4.8/5360 Ulasan
Amazing stay at this hotel! It is gorgeous, right at the food of Emeishan where busses pick you up. I was picked up and dropped off from and train station, there was free tea service with snacks, and breakfast was hearty. They staff was also friendly and facilities clean and working well. Cannot recommend it highly enough! Loved my stay here.
Pure Cloud Hotel
4.9/587 Ulasan
Qingyin Pavilion-Kuil Wannian
We initially chose Pure Cloud Hotel for its proximity to Wuxiangang Bus Station and its recent opening. The drive up the narrow mountain road, full of sharp turns, was a bit unsettling for our city Didi driver, so we were secretly relieved (as was our driver) when we finally arrived. At first glance, the hotel seemed quite simple, and I wasn’t entirely sure I had made the right choice. However, any lingering doubts were quickly washed away by the warm welcome from Derek, the hotel manager, and the staff. When we got to our room, it was pure joy! The minimalist design is visually soothing, and the balcony with its expansive mountain views made us feel like just hanging around and doing nothing was more than enough. If you're the kind of traveler who feels guilty about not doing anything, rest assured that the hotel is in a beautiful section of the mountain. There's a lovely old temple and a sacred spring pond nearby—Zhongfeng Temple and Shenshui Pavilion, I believe. You’ll also enjoy the energy of hikers rushing up and down the mountain. There are enough people to make it lively but not overwhelmingly crowded like Leidongping or Jinding, where the crowds can be exhausting. A special mention goes to Derek, who exceeded all our expectations. His kindness and professionalism reminded me of the kind of service you expect from a six-star hotel, where every need is anticipated. Derek went above and beyond, making our journey to Golden Summit and onward to Leshan much smoother and more enjoyable. Since we speak minimal Chinese, he kindly helped us communicate with the next hotel, explaining how to get there. He even offered us a free ride to the bus station when we struggled to find a Didi in the area. Derek also helped arrange our transfer to Leshan. We were incredibly impressed and grateful for his assistance. If I had to suggest one area for improvement, I’d say the dinner options could use some enhancement to match the overall excellence of the stay. A small tip: If your goal is to catch the sunrise and sunset at Golden Summit, you'll need to stay at one of the mountaintop hotels near Jinding. Logistically, getting to these hotels involves taking a bus from Baoguosi or Wuxiangang Station to Leidongping, then a cable car to the upper platform, followed by a roughly one-hour hike with steep steps to Jinding. It's manageable with a backpack, but not ideal with large luggage. That’s why we chose Pure Cloud Hotel for its close proximity to Wuxiangang Bus Station, leaving our luggage there and heading up the mountain with just our backpacks.
Shouzhuo Guesthouse
4.9/5308 Ulasan
設施:設計感很強 但希望也能兼顧實用性 比如衞生間的紙巾盒抽不出紙 沒有一鍵關閉全屋燈光 晚上關燈關半天 每個對應還不一樣 最關鍵水壓小出水渾濁 但這個價位的民宿確實不應該出現這種體驗感的情況 衞生:衞生做的非常好出乎意料 細節處理很到位 環境:深山老林的感覺與世隔絕能體會古人的日出而作日入而息的生活 空氣特別好 但是一定要注意螞蟻🐜回來被叮咬進醫院 紅火蟻出沒 出門不要穿拖鞋 請把自己包裹嚴實 服務:升級了房型 前台和管家還有保潔都非常熱情❤️🔥感受到了當地風俗民情 融入當地文化 總的來説還是值得體驗的 希望下次硬件設施能再加強用户體驗感 那就真的很完美了
Yushe Yunshan Designer Hot Spring Hotel (Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area Visitor Center)
4.7/52743 Ulasan
The hotel is very new and modernly equipped. It even has voice activated AC, music, alarm clock, etc. But you have to speak Chinese to Xiao Ai Tongxue (the voice activated device's name, like Siri in iPhone). I would say Yushe Yunshan is a 4* or 4,5* hotel at most. However, the hotel does offer pick up/delivery from/to the bus station and from/to Jiuzhai scenic areas. The front desk staffs and drivers were all very friendly and helpful, although they don't speak English. But of course we can use Google translate to communicate with them.
Qingcheng Mountain several mountain houses
4.9/5166 Ulasan
Qingcheng Mountain and Tai'An Ancient Town
帶着很高的期待來的,感覺住下來還是有點小失望。 首先地理位置來講很不方便,在單獨的一座小山坡上,坡度很陡峭,下山十分鐘,爬上來估計要二十多分鐘還會累個半死,車子也開不上山,民宿有個小的接駁車,但衹會主動接送入住和退房那一次,其餘時間要離開小院都靠走路,要出門去後山玩或者去吃飯都非常麻煩。 其次是防蟲,在山裡住民宿蟲子多是避免不了的,這個一開始就有心理準備,但是不知道是不是老闆怕破壞生態的緣故,民宿幾乎沒有任何防蟲措施,在小院外頭的時候被咬得大包小包暫且不提,在房間裏也每日平均徒手殺蟲7隻以上,品種顏色各異,有幾衹甚至爬到了床上,屋內沒有驅蟲設施,衹有公區有一瓶共用的花露水。 我們進出門都是幾乎馬上關閉門的,也沒有開過紗窗,不存在説是我們自己把蚊蟲放進來的情況。 然後是設施,提供一次性浴巾和洗臉巾和一次性拖鞋,對於潔癖星人很友好,點贊,床品很乾凈舒服,點贊,院子看起來拍照挺好看的,點贊,但是窗簾完全不遮光,沒戴眼罩的話幾乎睡不了一個整覺,而且一扯開全是灰,嗆得直打噴嚏,公區的布椅子也很臟,污漬嚴重,我們訂房的時候奔着房間外頭的露台去的,想着能在上頭喝茶聊天,沒想到上頭全是密密麻麻的螞蟻和落葉,可能這就是原生態吧。 然後是服務,民宿的定價應該在後山民宿裏算是中等偏上了,但真的沒有感覺到對應的服務,早餐非常簡單,沒有什麼可以挑選的品種,咖啡也不會每個人都主動提供,接駁車上很臟,從來沒坐過這麼臟的車,感覺從來沒洗過,吃飯外賣點不了,問了幾家都不願意送上來,衹有吃和民宿合作的農家樂的菜,選擇很侷限。 總的來説,住名宿確實需要為情懷買單,但是我們住下來的感受是不值得,配套措施完全沒有跟上,體驗感真的不好,希望老闆多多改進吧! 放張圖證明真的來過
Qingcheng Mountain Suxi Qingshan Forest Homestay
4.9/591 Ulasan
🌿一進門,那滿滿的木質香氛就擁抱了我,感覺整個人都被温柔包裹起來~😌 🛌 躺在床上,就像是被大自然輕輕哄睡,每一晚都是一場關於森林的美夢呢!💤🌙 而且哦,房間裏的採光超級好,早晨第一縷陽光透進來的時候,心情瞬間美美噠!☀️🌞 🍵 民宿還提供超有特色的木質茶具,泡一壺茶,坐在窗邊,看着窗外的綠意,時間都變得慢悠悠的~⏳🍃
Siguniang Mountain Looking Up at the Starry Sky  [The first choice for overseas tourists]
4.8/51114 Ulasan
Excellent service, even though the booking was not changeable on Trip's side, the hotel changed the booking for us free of charge. Service staff is very friendly and very helpful for getting around the area. The location of the hotel is inside the Siguniangshan Scenic Area, being around 4km closer than the town complementing the start of the scenic trail. The hotel also offers a diver service for pick-up and drop-off from and to the tourist center of the town, which makes it easy to take a bus from Chengdu to Siguniangshan Town. Rooms are luxurious with plenty of amenities. Drinks and snacks are provided daily. My tip is to take a room with a direct view to the four mountain peaks for a wonderful wake-up sight.
Chengdu Fanwu Art B&B
5/524 Ulasan
凡屋離開你時,想對你説的一些話: 先直接説結果!很值得入住的一家民宿!!絕不後悔,絕對非廣告,這是我第一次發自內心的想為一家民宿寫評語,機緣巧合,來到凡屋因為是出差。如果真的非讓我説一個凡屋的缺點,那除了位置離成都市區比較遠以外,其他就放心大膽的體驗吧,都是滿分💯。 來到凡屋給我的第一個感覺,像是回到了家!服務業越來越卷的當下,那種鬆弛感的問候和關心反而顯得更加輕鬆自在真誠,深夜12點拉着兩個大行李箱剛到,女主人安力姐給我們準備了入住酒~還有自己果園的一些小水果,真的特別暖,然後開始為我們介紹房間的一些功能,給我感覺就是,對 像是回到了自己的家,家裡的大姐姐給我佈置了屬於我的房間。重點告訴大家,女主人是一個超級有氣質的女生!學識談吐更讓人與之交談的時候心裏一陣哇塞,哇塞,真的很喜歡和看過世界的人一起聊天,永遠都是聊不完的話。 入住的5天,給我的幾個關鍵詞(乾淨!藝術館!無時無刻的鬆弛感!適合躺平!好吃!早餐及藝術!藍天白天!稻田!最難能可貴的真誠) 凡屋的布草很用心,洗漱用品,房內設施一點不比五星的酒店差,環境如圖無濾鏡,隨便一個角落,一杯咖啡,就是一個放鬆時刻,楊老師自己種的農家菜,拿手的回鍋肉,一下子打開味蕾,安力姐每天的早餐,種類特別豐富,每天看到早餐的第一眼,永遠是立刻打開手機拍照記錄,像看到藝術品一樣珍貴,凡屋的天,凡屋的雲,凡屋打開窗簾早上的第一縷晨光,打在凡屋的白房子上,我在窗邊呼吸着帶着泥土的芳香。那種心情不亞於我在玉龍雪山看到的日照金山,一個是自由寧靜,一個波瀾壯闊,沒有高下之分,但是給我兩種最極致最愛的感受。 這一次出差陰差陽錯結識了凡屋,我想下次凡屋還是值得再去放空,給自己的心情放個假,給自己的節奏慢下來,真的很羨慕成都的朋友了,週末的假期説走就走,我想下次再見凡屋,也就是不久的將來。
Bijiaxiaozhu boutique Inn in Jiuzhaigou
4.4/5123 Ulasan
The location of this inn is literally in the centre of the town, which provides easy access to restaurants (for ******* food and BBQ, can ask for recommendations from the inn owner Xiao Bi or Mr Feng) and the most famous show ”Jiu Zai Qian Gu Qing” (highly recommended even if you can't speak Chinese)(15 mins walk). Although it is a bit distant from the national park entrance (10 mins driving distance), the owner Mr. Feng offered free transportation taking us there and picking us up. The owners were really friendly and helpful. There is an in-house restaurant which serves local specialties such as highland beef hotpot and wild mushroom free range chicken hotpot. The home-made honey yogurt barley wheat bread was super delicious. We had to leave early for a bus back to Chengdu (7.45am), Xiao Bi made an effort to get up early to cook us noodles for breakfast. Beautiful scenery around the Inn. The inn was converted from a traditional ******* property. The rooms were decorated and furnished in a Chinese style and each bed comes with its own panda. The inn provides disposable towels every day, which is probably not everyone's cup of tea, as they are quite small if you have long hair, but there is a hair dryer available. This inn is for people who like to enjoy the slow pace of life in the Highlands (you can't rush physically as you could easily get out of breath due to low oxygen levels) and who like social interaction with other travellers and inn owners. The owners are not English speaking but they have no problems communicating with non Chinese speakers using a translation app.
Siguniangshan Zhongshan Inn (Changpinggou Scenic Area)
4.6/5396 Ulasan
Zhongshan Inn is located in Changpingzhen, a ******* style village part of Siguniangzhen at about 3200m altitude (good for acclimatization if you want to go further to Danba, Tagong, Kangding). The bus from and to Chengdu Chadianzi station stops in 5min walking distance from the Inn. To Shuangqiao Valley one needs a driver (about 7 km away, 15 min drive). To Changping Valley (6km away, short ride) one has to take the shuttle bus, the bus stop is a 5 min walk away. The trailhead to Haizi Valley is in 5 min walking distance, one can walk over directly. I stayed here in the week before the Spring Festival. The village and the Inn have been extremely quiet, just a few visitors (many stores and Inns were closed due to the holiday). Hiking and trekking opportunities around this place are rich and beautiful, worth a several day visit. The staff of the guesthouse is very, very kind and goes out of the way to help and support. The owner is a young man who can speak and understand English (great for foreigners). Rooms are spacious, warm, and tidy (bathtub, heating blanket, floor heating) at a fair price. For animal lovers: there are a Husky dog and several cats in the house. In the village you can see the integrated life of villagers and their tiny horses (many of them work as pack animals in the valleys), yaks and cows. Expect some travel hassle if you go by bus or car during the winter season with snow and ice on a small curvy street through spectacular mountains. Needs patience, things will take much longer then.

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Maklumat Perjalanan Tempatan

Bilangan Hotel37,542
Bilangan Ulasan720,800
Harga Purata (Hari Bekerja)RM 180
Harga Purata (Hujung Minggu)RM 185