Lihat Ulasan Tetamu untuk Hotel di Shaanxi

Sofitel Legend People's Grand Hotel Xian
4.8/5808 Ulasan
Dataran Zhouggulou (pusat bandar)
The two stars on service, one for concierge one for the hotel bar’s waitress (Rose 游娜,a trainee but who offered us excellent service , made up for other issue we felt being unfairly treated). The itself, being a historical building and all, looks magnificent. Even though the decor may seem dated, but inside our room was comfortable, and cosy, we got nothing to complain. Concierge would accept our deliveries and helped with luggage and all, again, nothing to complain. BUT, on the second day, the hotel housekeeping mistakenly took a huge bagful of our travel stuff ( including snacks, mini packed laundry detergents, biscuits, fruits, alcohol wipes , packed tissues etc), they simply throw away as garbage. We deliberately left it in a corner so it WONT be mistaken as rubbish. We did NOT leave it next to the bin, and we HAVE already taken out our takeaway boxes. Because we did not at all expect this to happen at a five star hotel , we did not realise it was missing until the next morning when we were getting ready to leave for train station. At this point, when we called, the hotel told us, housekeeping merely thrown out two EMPTY takeaway boxes, that was NOT true! They could confirm it from surveillance camera that it’s s about heavy yellow bag been taken out instead of two empty takeaway boxes. Yes, perhaps it’s not valuable, it’s not a gold chain or a camera, but it’s something very handy to our long journey , and their initial response was not acceptable. We are also not sure what other small things we have left inside the bag ( Because we didn’t think someone will throw it out!!!!). It was obvious it’s not a bag of garbage, if they were not sure why not keep it until we are back and ask? In all the years staying in any international five star hotel chains, we’ve never had to deal with such situation … And one more thing, made us uncomfortable, was before we depart we decided to have a drink in the hotel bar. I asked the bar staff for two Proseccos, she replied if it’s the bubbly free drink being offer upon check in. I spent about 60rmb for two sips, and only to find out it was offer for free which we never been offered upon our arrival ( was nobody else just us two on the arrival night). However. After hearing my complain, the bar staff Rose was very thoughtful gave me a second pour, I still paid, but at least feeling not as mistreated. Perhaps this just the final straw on the pile. On check out, the front desk staffs were busy, no one asked how was our stay , so I did not tell them our experience as above, I had only this one chanel to let out. Legend, not so legend. 传奇酒店让我期待已久,毕竟全球六家,而且在西安的历史建筑内,所以完全没有考虑其他酒店,哪怕我本身几乎不住索菲特,也没有用过accor的loyalty program。 酒店所在建筑的确很棒,我很喜欢,里面的设施也都达到需求。礼宾部前台都很有礼貌,让人觉得很帮助。但是我遇到了两件事,让我觉得以后恐怕不会回来。 1,我们有一个旅途中用的袋子(黄色**超市袋,里面是一个大的绿色纸袋,因为**袋子不怕脏放在火车站火车上地上都不担心弄脏,到家了直接拿下来丢掉即可)。里面放了各种小零食,全部可以肉眼看到没有拆开,还有路上用的小包纸巾,ole买的小包酒精湿纸巾,还有小号垃圾袋,以及旅行装洗洁精等。我们把它放在书桌边上的一个墙角,特地放得离垃圾桶区域远一些(房间也没有很多空间放东西我们也不能当路中间)。在我们用完了外卖以及快递后,按照酒店茶几上放的小牌子的要求,打电话请客房部也来收走了。我们理解古建筑立面万一染上污渍会比较难清理。 结果我们离开了一个白天,回来也没特意检查,毕竟这是我们住的地方,我也不想一天到晚防贼一样,也没有对自己的物品拍照。到了第二天我们准备收拾东西离开酒店了,发现这个袋子不见了,这是一个至少有8-10斤左右的袋子,不会轻易错过,于是我们致电酒店管家,在插叙后,告知的确丢掉,但就是一包里面两个空外卖盒… 这是让我最生气和不愿意接受的部分,不小心处理了,不能理解也得理解,但是总不能说瞎话,cctv调出来,我来看看这位清理人员拎出来的是什么东西??? 随便看一眼就看到里面的东西都是没有吃过没有用过,就算不确定我也能理解,为什么不放半天等客人回来了确认一下?这里面没有任何异味和汁水,存放一下并不会妨碍你们的酒店。或许对酒店来说,都是些不值钱的东西,没了就没了,有什么好抱怨的,但是将心比心,东西的价值很多时候不在意实际价钱的高低。我们在外面旅行,这些东西是我们的需求,不是钱能买的。 第二个点,我们在离店前,去酒店的酒吧喝一杯,我问吧台服务员点起泡酒(之前我在房间点过,意大利起泡酒),她问我是不是入住时候免费送的起泡酒,我当时就愣了,入住的时候,没有任何人offer我们任何到店饮品。而且到店时就我们俩没有别的客人(所以不是因为太忙)。我拿着一小杯我要付钱别人免费的起泡酒加上被丢了东西,心里不是滋味,不患寡而患不均。是,说我小气,60多一杯的酒在这儿**… 我朋友点了个咖啡,我看到旁边来了另外两个客人,其中一位和一个服务员说,我上次来你们也送的哦,别忘了哦,服务员轻声说知道知道。之间随她的咖啡一起来的,是一份曲奇饼干… 看这个我们桌上孤零零的饮品,心里又是一根稻草压上去。 可能吧台一位员工看到了这个问题,她还是个实习生,也知道了我关于免费不免费起泡酒的不满,于是主动给我续了一杯酒,还拿了饼干(虽然我们也没有吃)、但是心里好受了很多。人真是奇怪的动物(我自己),确实这些都是小东西小细节不值钱可能,但是感觉不公平那就像损失了一个亿,同样是客人为什么没有标准化的服务流程,需要客人去“哭奶喝”,… 逼着大家小气。我不知道这个酒店开了多少时间,但是与传奇这个品牌相比,远远还做的不够。希望传奇品牌有的不紧是历史人物们踏足过的辉煌, 更能够创造属于自己新的传奇。
The Ritz-Carlton, Xi'an
4.8/53054 Ulasan
Zon Pembangunan Berteknologi Tinggi
Very good service. Perfect professional service from all hotel staffs. Specially, I got to know the hotel staffs Marshall, Edward, and Gary because I had something to ask, and I thank them for their careful consideration of hotel pickup service and hotel use ...Also, Sarah and Joyce in club lounge had such a good attitude.Today is my last day of New Year's vacation and I'm so happy to be here and very satisfied. It's a good hotel that doesn't need any explanation.In front of the hotel, in the lobby, and on each floor, sculptures and paintings by Chinese, Korean, and Japanese artists are displayed. Personally, I like Korean artist, Son Bongchae's painting in the center of hotel lobby. I strongly recommend this Ritz Carlton in Xian.The best hotel in Xian.
Novotel Xi`an The Bell Tower Hotel
4.8/54137 Ulasan
Dataran Zhouggulou (pusat bandar)
I am extremely impressed and happy with alot of great things staying at Novotel Bell Tower Xian. 1.Awesome location, right outside is Zhonglou station and nearby is Bell tower, there are malls and many eateries nearby too, just need to use underpass to get to the malls. 2. very helpful and friendly service staffs and the cleaning staff. I noticed the cleaner has very good observation, for e.g. I didn't bring my toothpaste so I had to open 1 packet of toothbrush set just to use toothpaste, i went out for the day, my room was cleaned when I returned, I noticed the cleaners placed 2 pieces of mini toothpaste for me at the sink. :) 3. when I ordered delivery items from ********. the counter staff sent to my room using their robot, which is such a cute sight. 4. the breakfast spread are rather decent 5. Hotel is generous with drinking water, alot of hotels in China seemed to have a capped limit in providing drinking water bottles per room day. but this hotel really surprised me. 6. love the convenience of self service laundromat at the hotel too, really convenient for me. I would love to stay at this hotel should I travel to Xian again! thank you so much!
Jianguo Hotel
4.7/51057 Ulasan
My stay at the Jianguo Hotel in Weinan was nothing short of extraordinary. From the moment I stepped through the doors, I was greeted with warmth and professionalism that set the tone for an unforgettable experience. Let's start with the breakfast - a culinary delight that surpassed all expectations. Each morning, I was treated to a delectable spread of both local and international cuisine. The variety and quality of the food were exceptional, making it a perfect way to begin each day of my stay. However, what truly set this hotel apart was the exceptional hospitality of the staff. The entire team, from the front desk to the cleaning ladies, went above and beyond to ensure my comfort and satisfaction. They were always eager to assist with any request or inquiry, making me feel like a valued guest throughout my stay. The level of cleanliness and attention to detail maintained by the cleaning staff was remarkable. My room was immaculate, and the cleaning ladies ensured that I returned to a welcoming and tidy space after a day of exploring Weinan. Beyond the excellent facilities and services, the Jianguo Hotel's location is also worth mentioning. It provided easy access to the public transport, allowing me to explore the rich culture and history of both Weinan and Xi'An, effortlessly. In summary, my stay at the Jianguo Hotel was an experience I will cherish forever. The combination of outstanding breakfast options, exceptional hospitality, and meticulous cleanliness sets this hotel apart as a true gem in Weinan. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone looking for an exceptional stay in China. I want to express my gratitude to the entire team at Jianguo Hotel for making my trip unforgettable. Thank you once again for the incredible hospitality. I look forward to returning to this exceptional establishment in the future.
4.7/52852 Ulasan
Dataran Zhouggulou (pusat bandar)
Hotel ini disyorkan oleh seorang rakan. Dia pernah pergi ke Xi'an. Dia mempunyai keperluan yang sangat tinggi untuk hotel, jadi saya tidak teragak-agak untuk menempahnya di Ctrip. Saya menginap di hotel ini sepanjang perjalanan. Lokasi Dongshe Hotel It adalah unggul, hanya sepuluh minit berjalan kaki dari Loceng dan Gendang, Jalan Muslim dan Tembok Bandar Ming. Kemudahan hotel ini lengkap, dengan gim, restoran dan bilik dobi, yang memberikan kami banyak kemudahan. Kami mempunyai sarapan pagi yang mewah setiap hari, minum petang dan air mineral. Terdapat juga kotak besar makanan ringan di dalam bilik setiap hari. Restoran ini juga mempunyai hidangan istimewa, harganya berpatutan, dan rasanya sangat enak. Perkhidmatan kakitangan adalah penuh perhatian dan bersemangat. Di sini, saya ingin memuji pengurus lobi sebagai pengurus filem. Kami tiba di hotel pada hari pertama. Oleh kerana jadualnya tidak begitu munasabah, dia memberi kami cadangan yang membina dan membantu menempah tiket Tuoling Legend. , Ia lebih murah daripada memesan dalam talian, dan jika ada apa-apa keperluan, dia akan memberikan bantuan terbaik kepada kami secepat mungkin. Perkhidmatan bilik juga sangat bijak dan teliti. Saya memuji mandor Liu, Zhang Yaqin, Ma Guiying, He Ning, Liu Ping, dan membantu kami mengeringkan pakaian dan menghantarnya ke bilik setiap hari. Jika kita meninggalkan mesej, kita berasa sangat hangat. Ia sangat memenatkan untuk keluar dan membantu kami menyelesaikan masalah membasuh dan menolak pakaian selepas perjalanan. Satu hari lagi kami pergi ke Huashan lebih awal, dan tidak ada masa untuk bersarapan. Kakitangan juga membungkus sarapan pagi untuk kami, yang kaya dengan kepelbagaian, termasuk roti, telur, buah, yogurt dan susu. Pendek kata, perkhidmatan hotel ini sangat baik, dan rakan-rakan yang perlu melancong boleh mempertimbangkannya!
Wanda Realm Yan'an
4.7/51711 Ulasan
Baota Mountain/Baimi Avenue
Enjoyed a very pleasant 4 day trip to visit the historical and revolutionary sites of Yan’an and the trip was made much better thanks to a very comfortable and convenient stay at the Wanda Realm. For anybody who plans to visit the city I highly recommend this hotel. The hotel is located just to the south of the old city of Yan’an in the newly built Wanda City area. It is a 15-20 minute taxi ride to the old center (depending on traffic) and it’s relatively easy to call a taxi with a ride hailing app like Didi. It’s also within walking distance of the Red Street 红街 tourism area that has a theatre, cinema, activities, coffee shops and restaurants. The hotel is new and all of the main public areas are clean and well maintained - such as the lobby, hotel rooms, restaurant and gym/pool. The gym contains my favorite Life Fitness gym equipment (a quality brand) and the multi-lane, 25m meter pool is a dream for anyone who likes to swim. It even offers a good view. The hotel breakfast is very good value for money and offers a high quality selection of Western-style food (bread, eggs, bacon, sausages and cereals) as well as very tasty local Chinese food - especially local Yan’an/Shanxi noodles and dumplings. For any foreigners like me, you’ll get a good sense of local taste with good ingredients. The room was very clean and spacious with nice balcony and great view of the lake and Red Street. Service staff was excellent and many staff speak good English. We even received a nice hand written message and welcome fruits. Especially if you travel with children, this is where you should stay in Yan’an. Thank you for making my holiday more enjoyable.
Hilton Xi'an High-tech Zone
4.6/51214 Ulasan
Zon Pembangunan Berteknologi Tinggi
Grand Hyatt Xi'an
4.7/52205 Ulasan
Zon Pembangunan Berteknologi Tinggi
Kali terakhir saya tinggal di Grand Hyatt Changsha, saya meninggalkan kesan yang sangat baik. Saya tidak teragak-agak untuk memilih Grand Hyatt Xi'an untuk perjalanan ini. Walaupun tidak terlalu dekat dengan bandar, saya tidak perlu risau kerana saya menyewa kereta. NS. [Tentang tempat letak kereta] Hotel ini mempunyai tempat letak kereta bawah tanah, tetapi beberapa tempat letak kereta yang paling dekat dengan lif dihuni oleh beberapa kereta zombie. Sekiranya anda pulang lewat, anda hanya boleh meletak kenderaan di tempat letak kereta yang lebih jauh. Tempat letak kenderaan adalah percuma. Cukup laporkan nombor plat di kaunter penerimaan tetamu. Setelah saya melaporkan nombor plat nombor untuk pertama kalinya, saya bertanya kepada hotel sama ada nombor plat kenderaan diperlukan untuk setiap perjalanan. Kakitangan kaunter penerimaan tetamu mengatakan tidak, hanya laporkan sekali. Akibatnya, saya tidak dapat keluar untuk kali kedua ... Saya memanggil meja depan di dalam kereta dan menyekat beberapa kereta, yang terlalu memalukan. [Tentang ruangan] Bagus, tetapi anda perlu memperhatikan perinciannya. Pintu bilik 2101 yang kami tinggali tidak dapat ditutup dan selalu bocor; pintu kabinet di bawah tab mandi di bilik 2102 tempat tinggal ibu bapa kita juga akan terbuka dengan sendirinya, dan tab mandi dapat dilihat. Struktur berikut ada. Ada titik lain, dan keluhan terbesar mengenai penginapan ini: bilik juga! panas! NS! ! Penghawa dingin telah disesuaikan dengan angin maksimum 10 darjah, dan masih cukup panas untuk berpeluh setelah mandi. Tidak ada cara untuk meminta peminat. Crown Air Conditioner yang saya tinggal di Shenzhen lebih baik dari ini. Malah pelayan yang menghantar kipas mengatakan bahawa ia sangat panas. Cepat perbaiki! [Tentang sarapan pagi] Ragamnya cukup kaya dan rasanya enak. Terdapat juga makanan istimewa tempatan seperti mi rebus (sedap), roti kukus, dan roti kukus (tidak enak), serta jus segar yang kaya, dan rasanya semuanya enak. Satu-satunya perkara yang ingin saya rungut adalah bahawa semasa wabak, penerimaan hotel tidak memerlukan tetamu memakai topeng, yang agak tidak selesa. [Tentang bar] Terdapat persembahan band. Saya mengajak ibu bapa minum untuk larut malam. Kerana ada acara di bar pada hari itu, saya duduk selama 10 minit dan tidak ada yang berada dalam senarai wain. Minta pelayan memperkenalkan anggur yang sesuai dengan ayah saya. Mengesyorkan fesyen lama, tanpa penjelasan, tolong, tidak semua orang profesional, dan sikapnya begitu dingin sehingga saya fikir dia adalah tetamu (lelaki pendek dengan gelas) setelah memesan anggur tanpa makanan ringan, kami berempat menyaksikan pemandangan ini dengan cepat tergelincir. Pengalamannya sangat buruk. [Sekeliling dan lain-lain] Terdapat sebuah kedai buku Takuya di tingkat bawah di hotel ini, yang sangat indah. Anda boleh mencuba Jalan Ziwu Zhangji Roujia Mo untuk dibawa pulang. Ia sangat sedap. Saya harap cadangan di atas dapat memperbaiki hotel secepat mungkin ~ Saya berharap dapat bertemu dengan Grand Hyatt yang lebih baik.
Sheraton Xi'an North City Hotel
4.7/56827 Ulasan
Beiguan/Longshou District
I recently stayed at the Sheraton Xi'an and overall had a good experience, although there were a few hiccups at the beginning of our stay. Upon arrival, we found that there was no assistance provided beyond the usual passport verification during the check-in process. We were simply given our room key and left to find our own way to the room. To our disappointment, upon entering the room, we discovered a blood stain on the bed. This was obviously unacceptable and made our stay quite uncomfortable. Due to language difficulties and the late hour of our check-in, we improvised by placing large towels on the bed. The following morning, we reported the issues with the check-in process and the unsatisfactory room condition to the manager. The manager, Sabrina, was very apologetic and quickly arranged for us to be moved to a cleaner room. Additionally, as a gesture of goodwill, they gifted us a bottle of wine and some fruits. Sabrina went above and beyond to ensure that we had a pleasant and enjoyable holiday at the Sheraton Xi'an. The room service was efficient, and the prices were reasonable. The staff members were welcoming and friendly, creating a warm atmosphere throughout our stay. We would like to suggest that Sheraton pays attention to addressing these small hiccups, as mentioned above. Despite the initial issues, we ultimately had a positive experience and enjoyed our stay. Thank you, Sheraton! 😀
Sofitel on Renmin Square Xi'an
4.7/5946 Ulasan
Dataran Zhouggulou (pusat bandar)
Apabila saya mendaftar masuk, saya diberitahu bahawa lantai bilik yang saya tempah pada asalnya tidak begitu baik, dan mereka menaik taraf saya kepada bilik. Ia adalah penginapan yang sempurna. Di samping kebersihan dan lokasi, saya biasanya melihat dua aspek apabila memilih hotel: kekayaan bufet sarapan pagi, dan saiz kolam renang. Seperti yang berlaku, yang ini sesuai untuk mereka semua. Pengalaman penginapan yang sangat selesa, saya akan tinggal di sini lagi pada masa akan datang.

Soalan yang Kerap Ditanya

  • Bagaimanakah cara untuk menempah hotel di

    Untuk menempah hotel di, masukkan sahaja destinasi, tarikh perjalanan dan bilangan tetamu pada halaman. Kemudian, cari hotel yang tersedia dan pilih hotel yang ingin ditempah. Ikuti gesaan untuk memasukkan maklumat pembayaran dan melengkapkan tempahan.

  • Bagaimanakah cara untuk mendapatkan tawaran hotel di

    Terdapat beberapa cara untuk mendapatkan hotel dengan harga berpatutan di Anda boleh kecilkan hasil carian dengan menapis hotel mengikut julat harga pilihan anda, atau anda boleh isih hasil carian mengikut harga untuk melihat pilihan yang paling murah dahulu.

  • Di manakah boleh saya temukan tawaran hotel di menawarkan pelbagai pilihan tawaran dan promosi hotel yang tersedia sepanjang tahun. Anda boleh cari tawaran istimewa ini dengan mudah di halaman tawaran kami. Selain itu, jika anda ahli program kesetiaan kami, anda boleh log masuk ke akaun anda dan terokai kadar diskaun eksklusif di halaman senarai hotel.

  • Bagaimanakah cara mendapat harga yang lebih murah untuk hotel?

    Kadangkala lebih murah untuk menempah hotel pada pertengahan minggu, tetapi itu bergantung pada musim.

  • Berapa banyakkah hotel yang tersenarai di

    Terdapat lebih 5,000,000 hotel di lebih 230 negara atau rantau di Belum buat keputusan hotel mana untuk ditempah? Layari laman kami untuk mendapatkan ilham!

  • Bolehkah saya membatalkan atau mengubah tempahan hotel saya di

    Itu bergantung pada polisi hotel dan tarikh pembatalan. Sila semak bahagian polisi halaman hotel yang berkaitan. Untuk membatalkan atau mengubah tempahan anda, log masuk ke akaun anda, pergi ke "Tempahan Saya", dan ikuti arahan.

  • Bagaimanakah cara untuk menghubungi perkhidmatan pelanggan

    Anda boleh menghubungi perkhidmatan pelanggan 24/7 dengan mengunjungi Pusat Bantuan di dan menghantar permintaan. Anda juga boleh menghubungi mereka melalui telefon atau khidmat sembang, bergantung pada lokasi anda.

Maklumat Perjalanan Setempat

Bilangan Hotel158
Bilangan Ulasan209,040
Harga TertinggiRM 19,911
Harga TerendahRM 127
Harga Purata (Hujung Minggu)RM 898
Harga Purata (Hari Bekerja)RM 879